... so i guess the Teen Wolf fandom caught me too.
Well. Hello. I realize it's been awhile since my last LJ update, but the truth is I haven't wrote much those last few months. Actually, other than two original short stories (which are both getting published, btw), I wasn't able to finish not even a single fic since 'Sometimes' for the TWD fandom. I wish I could (only) blame school, though. I've been so lazy that's not even funny anymore. :/
Anyway, I'm writing now to let you people know that in the attempt to get something new done AND specially to help a noble (and really, really cute) cause, I’ve signed up for the
Wolf Pack Charity Project where I’ll be offering two pieces of fanfiction of 5K (the length is absolutely negotiable, though) for bidding.
If you're in the TW fandom and want to help adorable fluffy wolves and incentive the production of porn, here's your chance. The authors' auction will run from Dec 13th to 15th, so time is running out. You can find/bid me over
here, but there's a lot of other good and more experience
authors to choose. The important bit is to participate, so go check them out. :)
And now I guess I need a TW icon. :| Aaaaaand problem solved.