Mar 14, 2009 22:36
I'm having a shitty time at home again, step dad being asshole again, work is even more stressful because of my co-worker. Her daughter is an infant in my room and she works in one of the preschool rooms. My friend and I (and other co-workers) made a comment about the baby's outfit. She mismatched and we decided thinking that the mom wouldn't mind that we would change her stockings and find gray pants to match her mets shirt. So mom came in and asked if she had an accident and me and the lead teacher told her we changed the stockings becuase it didn't match and we were trying to make light of it and she got angry and stormed off. My coworker and I really weren't trying to be malicious and our intention was to make mom laugh and it back fired on us. She made my co-worker cry and sent me this message on facebook saying how what i did was wrong and that i made fun of the way we dressed her daughter and yada yada yada. She made a mountain out of a molehill. So I replied saying we weren't trying to be mean and made an honest mistake and not trying to attack anyone and that i was sorry. She hasn't replied and she also mad that I didn't apologize to her. But at first I didn't think I needed to because I didn't think it was that big of a deal and then I thought mama bear came out and she's no longer my co-worker but parent as well so I'm trying to keep the peace and deal. So work is going to be fun on Monday.
Couple of good things: I'm a PUff again :-) and wrote my first fan fic in a while saw my neice and nephew played gears of war 2 and i think thats it lol
ohhhhhh grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Life just about sux in all though lol