not turning into a cooking blog, I promise

Feb 15, 2011 18:24

I'll be honest - I'm not a big fan of pasta. I like it, sure, but often I find the taste is just not worth the bloating and the stomachache I'll have all night after,

Tonight, though, instead of running off to the grocery store in the freezing cold outside to get some peanut butter, milk and bread, I saw I still had some uncooked pasta and decided to try something.

It came out amazing, surprizingly enough, so I decided to write down the recipe here! To remember the next time, but also to share with you guys, in case any of you are like me and basically need some inspiration, ahah.

I know it looks yellow - but it's not Kraft dinner. In fact, there's no cheese at all.

Mushroom pasta!
You'll need -

A saucepan (for the pasta, duh)
A frying pan
Some ustensils
around 15 minutes
 (no quantities because I cooked for myself and frankly, it'll depend a lot on taste, what you like, what you have, and how much you need for the meal. But for example; I used five mushrooms because I love mushrooms, but you can add more or less, really)
  • Butter a tiny bit!
  • Uncooked pasta
  • Cold meat of your choice - I used pork roast, but it would be excellent with chicken, bacon, anything left over from yesterday's dinner! Or nothing at all, if you don't eat meat - it would taste good anyway!
  • Canned mushroom cream soup - I used Campbell's, my favorite!
  • Mushrooms - I used five baby bella mushrooms. I wouldn't suggest white caps as they don't taste enough, but your choice! Next time, I'll try it with portobello, or shiitake.
  • Red onion
  • Shallots
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste) - I used a lemon-dill seasonned sea salt. I usually don't like salty food, but this adds more taste, which is great.
  • Spices&Herbs - I used a mix of oregano, basil, rosemany, thyme, majoram and sage.
  1. Salt the water then boil in the saucepan. You know how too cook pasta, don't you?
  2. While the pasta cooks, take out the frying pan. Put it on medium heat and slowly melt a little bit of butter - not too much, or it'll spoil the taste of what you'll cook in it! Besides, it won't cook long enough to stick.
  3. Cut up the mushrooms and onion.
  4. Quickly fry them in the butter, adding pepper and the spices and herbs of your choice. Once they're browned, put aside. By the time it's done, the pasta should be cooked.
  5. Take some of the pasta's cooking water - that's where salting it with something tasty helps - and put it in a measuring cup. This will be for the sauce, so make sure that there's enough.
  6. Add the canned mushroom cream to the cooking water in the measuring cup. Mix it well!
  7. Add the sauce to the pasta.
  8. Add pepper and some more spices and herbs to the pasta. Go easy on the salt, though - the sauce is already pretty salty!
  9. Cut up the meat, and add it to the pasta, along with the shallot and the mushrooms and onion.
  10. Mix!
  11. Sprinkle some nice, green shallots on top. If you have fresh basil, add it. I didn't, but it'd have been even better.
  12. Serve with snackbread or toast and lots of love~!

cooking sister

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