Jun 22, 2012 06:28
Hi everyone:
I had written a post in which I explained this in a longer way, but it vanished on me. Long story short, I applied for an apartment on tuesday with encouragement from my bestie-gave pay stubs, credit checked etc and I found out on wednesday that I got it.
Start moving in on monday. It's great except I need a car to get to work(the bus stops close to it-thankfully) and I have no furniture at all. I wil be buying an air mattress to tide me over until I can buy a bed. It will cost $1300 to pay the first month's rent, security deposit,early move in rate, electric deposit and my movers, but still, I'm happy about having a place of my own again.
Have to go to work now. By the by, I saw Rock of Ages and Tom Criuse was the best thing about it. He is so focused. His body is still hot and he is almost fifty(in a few months). Is it sad to admit that when I heard of Johnny Depp"s split with Vanessa Paradis I had an elaborate fantasy about meeting him and ending up married to him. Crazy, but true- I loved him sooooooooooooooo much when I was 12 or so.I'm sad for his kids though.