Our radio show is, again, in today's USA Today newspaper on the front page of the Money section:
Podcasting goes from indie to mainstream overnight: |
article |
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[excerpt] "Some early podcasts, such as Rob Greenlee's WebTalk Radio, were digital versions of existing radio shows. But most were new. Podcasting is open to anyone "with a laptop and a $6 microphone," Greenlee says."
Rob's been quoted a few more times in the media in the last month:
Apple adds directory of podcasts to iTunes lineup |
article |
pdf |
San Jose Mercury News
June 29, 2005
[excerpt] "But Rob Greenlee, host of WebTalk World Radio Show, predicted not everyone would benefit equally from Apple's entry into the world of podcasting -- just those podcasts that Apple ranks among the top 100 programs. "It's going to be a very small group of podcasts that get a significant impact in the short run," said Greenlee, who was among the first to begin podcasting."
Barnako goes to Gnomedex |
article |
pdf |
Investor's Business Daily
June 24, 2005
[excerpt] "Good chat with WebTalk's Rob Greenlee (one of the tallest guys I've ever met). H and I shook our heads about how Microsoft blew podcasting. The world's largest software company launched software to download audio content to your PocketPC (sound familiar?). Ad then let it die. Sync 'n Go ... RIP."
[Rob's 6'8" and, yes, decades of basketball under his belt]
Just Added July 18
Podcasting's 'indies' are losing ground |
article |
July 18, 2005
[excerpt] "Rob Greenlee, producer of WebTalkRadio.com, said he believes Winer shouldn't be compared to brand-name output from Bravo TV, MSNBC and Air America. "Most of the early podcasters are only going to be popular with the PodcastAlley.com crowd," said. "It will be the media celebrities like Leo Laporte and Al Franken and Ted Koppel who will dominate the podcasting space."
[Note that in the article, Rob's quoted after Winer but before Adam Curry and Mark Cuban. These are podcast and dotcom rock stars. Hey - that means I'm married to a rock star!]
A previous article in USA Today quoting Rob is
Our talk show podcast is in the iTunes Podcast directory, just fyi. WebTalk Radio is listed under News, Technology and Talk Radio. If you already have iTunes installed, click to
launch our show page in iTunes [
http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=73330806]If not:
Windows Media Real MP3 [July 9 show only]
If you're plugged into the whole podcast phenomena, some interesting trivia is we were the first terrestrial radio show to podcast, back last September. This is substantiated in Wikipedia's history of podcast page
here; see first sentence. Eulogy-worthy. Maybe.
Rob's also been selected as Microsoft's MVP for digital media, a go-to guy when they want to get feedback or discuss ideas and directions for the future in digital media. He goes to their campus a few times each month for meetings. His NDA keeps him from discussing it further, but it's fascinating.
On a personal note, I don't mention Rob enough in my journal. That's disproportionate to how much he means to me. He makes me so proud and he is truly the kindest, funniest, most laid-back guy I know, apart from my dad. We work together, do the radio show together, explore the world around us together and I'm continually ready for the next fun thing we'll do. I hope everyone reading this has that kind of person in their life