Somebody I haven't met before has coordinated a healing work for Isaac Bonewits.
If it is your Will to participate in such a thing, please see for your assignment.
If you can't accept that assignment, do what ye will.
FWIW, Isaac has fought his way back from conditions that made people speak in hushed tones before. (Anyone remember the bad tryptophan batch in the late 80s?) He not only came back, he came back strong and vibrant and with another many years of work in him. Like anybody who actually ~does things~, Isaac has his detractors and people who snipe at him. Any fair evaluation of his body of work will show that he has more than overcome his foibles, and the net effect is greatly positive.
If he hadn't done anything else in his life -- and he did lots after this -- the creation of ABCDEF has given an evaluatory tool to people to use to evaluate groups with which they are or might be involved. A non-slanted, totally subjective, listen to your heart kind of tool. If you haven't met it before, see it here: The man has earned vast lots of respect, whether you like him personally or not. If you can bring yourself to Work for his well-being, it's appreciated. If you can spare him a candle and a nice thought on the way by, that's appreciated too. Cancer sucks. Let's see if we can't make it just a bit easier for a brother on the path. Thanks!