(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 21:12

Yesterday me and Melanie&Alyson went swimming and then we went home.
And then me and Breah&Stephanie&Charlie&Tyra&Brad&Jessica&Nicole went outside for a bit till like 9:30pm..and then we came home and ate chicken wings haha and then went to bed at like 1:00am. This morning i got up and watched television and went on the computer and then went to Bedford with my dad and Breah&Krista and then we went and got treats to bring on the plane.
I got bbq chips an aero bar and sour candy and breah and krista got the same thing!
Im soooo excited for tomorrow morning CALIFORNIA haha im soooooooooooo dang excited.
And me and Breah and Krista always have a little "sisterly sleepover"
everynight before we go somewhere exciting.
Sooo yeah we have to get up @ like 4:00. we have to be at the airport for 5:00AM
and it takes kinda long to get ready in the morning. So yeah i have to get going now so i will update when i get in California becuase i will have a computer. I WILL MISS EVERYONE SO DARN MUCH <333333333333333333333333333333333
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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