i want my flowers =(

Dec 01, 2010 16:15

I haven't written in a while. I'm feeling kind of stressed guys. I would have been okay today, but someone has my flowers and my balloon and I honestly want to cry over it right now, even though it's stupid.

See, yesterday was my birthday. Of course, I am at school. So, I didn't get to be with my family or anything. So my mom wanted to send me flowers so that I would at least get something from them on my birthday. She had called me saying did you get your flowers and i said no..? I didn't know I was getting flowers. She told me she had gotten an email saying that they had been delivered. So, today after class I went down to the mail room to see if maybe they had gotten something and somehow missed notifying me. The girl down there said that if something had come in for me, it would've been scanned and I would've gotten an email right away. So I called my mom and she didn't pick up and she called me back saying that she was on the phone with the florist and they said that they delivered it to some lady named Maria. So, I was like alright, let me see if I can email someone. So I found the email for the postmaster and emailed him and I still haven't gotten a response. So I thought that there must be somewhere in the basement of Maxcy hall because thats where the mail room is. So, I friggen went walking around in the creepy, haunted basement and nothing. The only place to go is the damn mail room where I was earlier looking around for my flowers. So either somebody took my flowers or they were never delivered to UNH in the first place. And it's really friggen upsetting. It doesn't really help that I'm stressed out and ending my time of the month either, so I just want to cry and scream and be miserable. Plus, it's disgusting outside, so that doesn't really help my mood.

I just want to go home now. I'm so done with this semester and with everything. I need a longer break than what I just had for thanksgiving. I'm so freaken done. I was up until like 2 writing a paper last night. I've got a speech and more reading to do tonight for tomorrows classes and I honestly just don't care at this point. Classes end next wednesday. The semester ends the 16th. I'm just done now. I don't care about school and this semester anymore. I don't want to talk about math or judicial behavior or give a presentation tomorrow. I just want to go home. I'm losing my mind right now. I want to cry and scream and yell and just curl up in a ball and do nothing. Or read. I'd love to read something I actually wanted to read. I got three new books for my birthday and ....

okay so brief break there for a bit. I got a call from the guy I emailed and he said to check the ORL (Office of Res Life) because flowers would go to them, so I did and they said no they didn't get anything, but to check over at the Dean of Student Affairs Office. So, went there. Nothing. So, no flowers. Someone fucked up and they either didn't come to this school or someone ran off with them. I honestly think someone probably ran off with them, but I'm a huge pessimist.

So, it's like monsooning now. But, on our way back from Res Life/Dean's office, Kristen and I went to the C-store. I have like a lot of money to spend before the end of the semester because only up to $100 will transfer over to next semester. I had like 255 on my card, soo $155 needed to be spent. So we decided that we weren't leaving the room tonight in this monsoon for dinner and I wanted to go the cstore to get something microwavable and hot to eat tonight. =) So we literally just spent like $40 on some hot pockets, oreos, chips and dip to make nachos, ice cream, peanut butter and some other things. I'm feeling a little better about my flowers because I exhausted every option. However, I've now sufficiently procrastinated on my homework like a lot and I need to start it. I have to write a persuasive speech on why music education in schools is just as beneficial as playing sports in school is. I talked to my teacher earlier and she said not to worry about finishing it, but I kind of just want to write it and get it over with tomorrow and be done. Then, the only homework for any class that I have left to do is Short Story and I would be able to finish that tonight/tomorrow/friday and then I'd be done with homework and I could give myself a few days of a break before starting to really study for finals. Which would be nice and would do my mental health a world of good. So, off to homework it is.

Thanks for listening =) ♥
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