Yeah, this is a long one.

Dec 05, 2005 18:34

I was looking at the reflection of my face in the window of the car. My eyes to my cheek bone kind of feels like it just has skin stretched over it, I don't know, adding the bags under my eyes I kind of look hollow. Which might of been a profound statement if I hadn't just typed "kind of" after it. Oh well I'm a teenager, what do you expect? (If you are my English teacher than you expect proper verb tense, I didn't know anyone had a problem with verb tense until she started grading my essays, I am thinking she is making up things to mark wrong)

My Spanish teacher (who is on the fast track to learning English, he isn't quite there yet, he still writes "Describe my family" on the board when he really means "Describe your family" and gets confused when we try to comply to his orders and ask about his wife) has this particularly nasty habit of banging a chalk board eraser against a desk producing this highly irritable noise when he feels the class is getting out of control. He does it A LOT. Its the kind of noise that makes you wince (like Enya) and want to just cover/protect your ears from ever hearing it again (like Enya). That feeling is very familiar and I have been trying to place exactly where I recognized it from, and I figured it out today. I was in the car. With my mother. "Why don't you ever wear a coat? Do you like feeling sick? You're not ready for college! Forget we aren't sending you far away, you're not ready!" I was about to throw myself out of the car. She matches the repeated gesture of a eraser slamming into a desk in terms of being irritable.

I don't know where the college bit came from. Its 2 years away, I think that maybe by then the importance of my jacket would of probably sank in, and if not well...CALIFORNIA! I think its because one day I was feeling slightly vicious towards my mother and told her I was going to stay in a dorm room far away from home and join a sorority. I might of mentioned a weak will and the need to fit in at any costs kind of personality I would probably develop by the time I got to my far off college. I really would of never said it if I knew the nagging it would result in. Its pretty horrible.

I was coming back from the new Barnes and Nobles. The TAB group at the library met there to pick out new books for the teen section. I am quite good at picking out things for me to use but for other people to buy. "Happy Birthday! Here is that CD I have wanted for 4 months, you'll really enjoy it! Hey, could I copy that?" Is a phrase I may or may not said one too many times. We got a tour of the store, and went into the EMPLOYEES ONLY SECTION. Which still ignites a bit of mystery and adventure in me knowing I don't belong there. The employees only section is actually quite fascinating. Two guys name Mike stay back there and make snide comments about their boss once she is out of earshot (I am assuming, they would they seemed like the snide boss-making remarks kind of guys)

The room is decorated with tons of poster/magazine clip outs. There is a giant alligator taped onto one of the walls with its giant mouth open bearing teeth. In its mouth various celebrity heads were placed. By the exit sign was a taped picture of a Darth Vader mask and near a desk was a poster of Quen Stafani and other female celebrities in compromising pin up poses (probably the Mike's idea of good decor). I really would of never imagined that to be hanging out back there.

My knees hurt throughout the tour. I went to the too cold for school tour the night before and got rushed by 15 crazy kids behind me during I am the Pilot's set. I had to jam my knees into the stage to have some leverage to push back with, I really wasn't anticipating the fall onto stage. Of course by the time Just Surrender came on (the reason I so desperately fought my right in front spot) I had been pushed to the middle the end back to the middle to the front and back to the end. It was hot and sweaty and I made some guy hold my purse as I tried to remove my track jacket with the arm space of zero centimeters. I met a lot of Just Surrender (3/4 of them) and got some pictures, one of the lead singers, Dan was super nice. We high fived more than necessary though. I met some of June again, I didnt get to talk to AJ that much with made me sad cause I was going to pull the "Oh yeah I saw you guys at the Knitting Factory Last Monday, I was with... we were talking about... your remember... I love you". I did get to talk to Mark though. Who I really do like, I told him how I believed that he may of been wearing the exact same pants as last week's show. He confided that he only had 2 pairs. Both being terribly ripped, and torn as he motioned to his gray boxer shorts peeking out from the jeans. I told him that American Eagle would soon rip off the look making it a signature style and not give him a cut of the profits cause thats how they are, so he should keep on playing in June to pay those bills! He laughed and said, sarcastically "cause I get paid soo much" Instead of letting an awkward silence past I was just like, "well nice to talk to you! See you after the show" and walked away to find my friend. It was a lie. We had to leave during "Elevators are matchmakers" due to my ride home getting antsey.

We sang Avril Lavigne on the ride home. It was a good start of the week. Tomorrow could continue this interesting day streak if it would snow and snow and snow and let there be no school. Fuck 1 hour delay, fuck 2 hour delay. No school or nothing.

If anything tomorrow I can spend another day compiling a list of the pros and cons on long johns

-Its weird
-You should not be able to pull your socks OVER your underwear
-Hard to get on
-Have to buy them, in public
-Haven't been worn by any respectable person since Little House on the Prarie and todays second period A day study hall

-You ARE warm

CONCLUSION- Its still weird

I don't care how attractive you are its weird
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