Jan 06, 2006 14:42
I was reading Nehemiah 8 today. And in verse 1 it says that, “All the people of Israel gathered together in the square by the Water Gate. They asked Ezra the teacher to bring out the Book of the Teachings of Moses.” So all of Israel gathered to hear God’s word.” That struck me. All of the Israelites gathered together. That is a lot of people not just a few, but thousands of people.
In our culture it is common practice to separate the family of God into different churches. This is practical because of music preferences and doctrinal differences, and location, but how cool would it be if occasionally we could have a multi-church, multi-denominational party. It could be like a family reunion. We could celebrate being God’s children. If we believe that God loved the world so much that He sent His son so that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life. Then we are family. All the other stuff does not merit a fight or a feeling of superiority.
There should be parties all over the world to celebrate being part of the family of God. These parties could be potluck type parties with churches all around the area all worshiping God like the Israelites did in the day of old. It would be a day where everyone would HAVE to put aside his or her doctrinal differences and celebrate that Jesus died so we could live. The Israelites had a huge festival and they loved it. We don’t do that really anymore, and why? I think we should.