Oct 14, 2005 18:41
The only 2 things I like about cold weather are that I can take skin-peelingly-hot showers, and sleep really well wrapped in in blankets in my comfortable bed with my excess of comfortable pillows and not sweat.
I love summer.
I love skateboarding.
I love skateboarding during the summer.
But I like taking showers and sleeping in the winter.
I think Pert Plus shampoo gives you dandruff. I got a free bottle a while ago, and used it this morning/afternoon and my head has never been so itchy in my life. I'm scratching it and can see wee-liddo-bits-o-dandruff falling. It's disgusting.
I like school.
I like having new wheels and rolling down a smooth street on my skateboard.
I like going fast on the street and going up a curb frontside and doing a manual on the sidewalk for a couple seconds, then coming back to the street and going RIGHT BACK UP to the sidewalk to do a short little manual again.
I like the way girls look. I like looking at girls. But I don't really like talking to them.
I like having sex with skinny girls. But it's hard to have sex with girls if I never talk to any in the first place.
I think and hope that I am finished having sex with girls that I don't like, just so I can have sex. But I'm scared that I am going to do it sometime anyway.
Sometimes I wish that I was having sex with more girls, and taking advantage of these years to have more "fun" because I might regret not "living life to the fullest" in the future. But I don't really want to.
Now that it's getting colder again, my appetite for coffee has resurfaced. I don't like drinking coffee in the summer.
Why do some/lots of girls love skateboarders so much? Do they not know that they'll always come second. Second place behind a piece of wood? Girls like this?
The other day I was just cruising down the street and some girls pulled up in a car beside me and asked me for my phone number and stuff. I don't know if I was complimented or if it made me sick.
Why do some girls that don't even skate BUY skate videos?
I know some girls skate because they like skating. But I've seen lots of girls with boards that don't like skateboarding and aren't interested in actually doing it. Do they just want to try and pick up sk8r dudez? Am I the only one who doesn't like girls that skate, or who are interested in skating?
I've seen a girl try to skate while wearing those hideous, horrendous, abhorrent yoga pants. I almost puked.
I see too many 20-year-old + guys wearing BAM hats. One is too many. Do these people think it's fashionable to dress up like a 9 year-old?
I hate how it's fashionable to be fashionable. Nothing is cool anymore.
I think it's funny when people in class comment and have strong opinions on things that they know nothing about. For example, someone in my class last night was convinced that Africa has no natural resources.
Does anyone want a free bottle of Pert Plus shampoo?
I feel sorry for people who don't have mental/physical outlets. I'm glad my outlet isn't going to the gym to get beefcaked.
I've never loved skateboarding as much as I have this year, even just in the past few months.
I think it's funny when people think that mainstream "punk" bands aren't fabricated.
I like a good sammich.
Why is every show on TV about forensic science or criminology? There's like 5 different CSI's and 5 different Law and Orders. It's funny how all those shows pretty much answer all the questions that a criminal would need to set up "the perfect crime". I saw on some random show once where the detectives were stumped and were all like "dag, all this lack of evidence proves that this guy is really smart!" and then the SMART detective said "... or that he watches TV". I thought that was funny.
Highspeed car chases through skinny european streets is something that I really enjoy watching.