A few thoughts on Health Care

Sep 04, 2009 09:46

Precept: On an individual level, any form of insurance or warranty is simply legalized gambling. However, at least Vegas has the decency to clearly delineate their games and allow the odds to explain JUST how much money they're making. Health care (or insurance) as it currently stands resembles a case where the house has discovered that it has a wildly important product, and they're finding the "niche" where they can make the most money possible. In the process, people are being trampled - and I'm not talking solely about the low-earning folks or the unemployed. Because we cannot trust the house or their accomplices to make changes (they're making too much money) we have to rely on the voice of the "gamblers" -- which in this case is the government. SOMETHING must change.

I consider the people who run the current health care companies to be barely legal scam artists. I earn a comfortable living and I have little desire EVER to go to the doctor unless it's absolutely necessary. This isn't because of some fear of doctors or health problems - but rather because dealing with the health care company is a NIGHTMARE. An amusing example: My wife has a minor procedure done, and the final bill is $2000 (Is that bill fair? That's a topic for another post...). Insurance is supposed to cover 80% of it, the policy if fairly cut and dried. $1600 ... right? They decide to pay $1000. No explanation, no nothing - just a letter stating that they're only paying a grand. We can't get anyone on the phone that has a clue, we can't get anyone to explain the decision - just an endless procession of "please hold" bullshit. What are our options? Cry "We have been stiffed of $600" and sue? Yeah, right - the only person that wins THAT battle are the lawyers. We decided to add up all the money she had paid that company since she started her job at Duke and it was $1050. That's right, the insurance people decided to give her a refund on her money and nothing else -- they can resume making money on her next payment. The House can't lose - that would be un-American!!!

SOMETHING must change. I know people fear change, but what we have now is miserable. But what do we do? The options are many, the arguments are endless. A few comments on common topics...

On universal health care.... "Health care for all" is something I believe to be foolish. I am in favor of "universal" health care only for children or the honorably disabled - those who cannot provide for themselves for concrete reasons.

On our current "money per procedure" system... I believe that the best possible solution is a shift away from "per procedure" payment. Several European models provide doctors with standard salaries that escalate when their patients flourish in specified manners. Lose weight, quit smoking, etc. Surgeons whose operations are successful and without complication.

On a public option thwarting the free market... I like the arguments where people are decrying a government run healthcare option, saying "How can businesses compete with a public option that doesn't have to turn a profit???" There's an easy solution here, people... Run the public option like a business, and mandate that it makes X% money (Then put that money into schools). At least then we KNOW what percentage we're giving away to the company, rather than guessing at how much is being stolen from us by the metaphorical crooked Blackjack dealer.

As always, I remember why I have problems with journals. To truly devote the time I wish to one - I'd have no time left over to learn things or experience things as fodder for the journal!
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