A New Direction

Jan 22, 2009 22:33

So I was thinking about how I never really write on this thing anymore, mainly because I never have the time or the patience to sit down and write out an entry. I was also thinking about how many quirky/funny AIM conversations I have on a daily basis, and how it kind of sucks that years from now, I won't have any of them saved to look back over. And that's when a relatively simple solution occurred to me: Post any humorous or interesting AIM conversations right to LJ. It'll give me a nice log to look back on, and who knows, maybe one of you will find it funny or interesting. If not, don't worry, they'll all be behind LJ cuts, and this is still mainly for me. But if you were looking for a little insight into my life, these might be for you.

A short exchange between Lauren Bartos and myself:

stupidcupid331: you know what i love
hellofozzybear: when i take shots at shen?
stupidcupid331: no
stupidcupid331: the eqx song log
hellofozzybear: ooh!
hellofozzybear: thanks for reminding me
stupidcupid331: haha?
hellofozzybear: gotta look up a song i heard on ext today
stupidcupid331: see that
stupidcupid331: its my favorite
hellofozzybear: mm
hellofozzybear: very useful
hellofozzybear: my mom always asks me if i have plans for the weekend
hellofozzybear: i dont think she understands that i dont make plans until like
hellofozzybear: ten minutes before whatever it is im doing
stupidcupid331: ha
stupidcupid331: my mom asks me too
stupidcupid331: but i usually have stuff planned
stupidcupid331: ha
hellofozzybear: haha lame
stupidcupid331: so what song did you end up looking up
hellofozzybear: se me hace la boca agua
hellofozzybear: by the alex torres band
stupidcupid331: well then
hellofozzybear: haha what
stupidcupid331: that title
stupidcupid331: was fancy
stupidcupid331: and spanish...
hellofozzybear: haha
hellofozzybear: i forget that you never took spanish
hellofozzybear: which is weird
hellofozzybear: because everyone speaks spanish
stupidcupid331: everyone?
hellofozzybear: everyone.
stupidcupid331: not my daddy
hellofozzybear: uh
hellofozzybear: well all i know
hellofozzybear: is its everywhere
hellofozzybear: and its going to spread even more
stupidcupid331: well
stupidcupid331: i can say
stupidcupid331: hello
hellofozzybear: haha
stupidcupid331: no
stupidcupid331: but not kidding
stupidcupid331: my cousins house cleaners
stupidcupid331: tried to teach me spanish
stupidcupid331: and they told me i had a new york accent
hellofozzybear: that would make sense
stupidcupid331: no!
stupidcupid331: i dont have an accent
hellofozzybear: everybody has an accent
stupidcupid331: a lot of my friends in california are like you have a new york accent
stupidcupid331: and i'm like I DONT
stupidcupid331: i sound just like you!
hellofozzybear: well i wouldnt know
hellofozzybear: because ive never heard any them speak
stupidcupid331: hahaha
hellofozzybear: maybe you have an accent and you just cant hear it for whatever reason
hellofozzybear: or maybe theyre just a bunch of douchebags
stupidcupid331: i think its the second one
hellofozzybear: im leaning towards the latter, mainly because theyre from california
stupidcupid331: hey!
stupidcupid331: half my family lives there
stupidcupid331: which is basically my blood
stupidcupid331: which is insulting me
stupidcupid331: AGAIN
hellofozzybear: didnt you tell me that when youre dad went there to see your cousin's play they were all freaking out cause they thought he was an agent from ny?
stupidcupid331: yeah
stupidcupid331: hahaha
hellofozzybear: yeah
hellofozzybear: total douchebags.
stupidcupid331: well thast because they are drama kids
stupidcupid331: those kids
hellofozzybear: i can guarantee you that no one would have that reaction if we thought there was an agent in our audience
stupidcupid331: yeah i dont get that
hellofozzybear: i mean, granted, we would never have an agent in our audience
hellofozzybear: but still
stupidcupid331: their teacher tells them to do well because scouts might be looking for them
stupidcupid331: but scouts are never looking for them!
hellofozzybear: hahaha omg california
hellofozzybear: also didnt you say guys there wear uggs?
stupidcupid331: yeah
hellofozzybear: hahaha
stupidcupid331: its cute
hellofozzybear: what tools
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