Highlights from this session:
If a photographer doesn't see every possible photograph in a room, he won't take the picture. He must practice "seeing."
Use computer program to take an image, compile and render the data in a way so that we see patterns in a way we wouldn't see with our naked eyes.
- Sunlight patterns taken from photocells and webcams pointed at the sky.
- Motion of buoy in deep water converted to auditory recordings of wave patterns. Auditory recordings sped up and processed into stereo. Also, visual waveforms representing the auditory ones.
- His invention of the wiki - his greatest claim to fame. He sees wikis as a way to measure knowledge/information relationships.
- Sources of ideas:
- Edwin Schlossberg "Interactive Excellence" - people's tastes change based on the extent to which other people are clapping, showing enjoyment.
- Wabi-Sabi - Allow a little bit of messiness by not clamping down on control of what people can add to wiki.
- Do not allow one-word hyperlinks in the wiki. Allows one to see "like pages:" for page "Wiki Design Principles," we get pages with word "Wiki" in title and those with word "Principles" in title (excluded "Design" for some reason). Using these words as pivots (conversation pivots?). We can "see" the articles in a new way by creating a tour of topics through these conversation pivots.
Other comments:
- In forum setting, when people's faces are present, the postings are more civil/less inflammatory, more personal.