Sep 26, 2007 13:56
It´s been so cold here since Sunday, I´ve been wearing Daves thick jumper constantly and my hoody during the days. All the Paraguayans are wearing 2 jumpers, coats, hats and scarves. It´s like 12 degrees on a morning but 17 during the day.
Friday morning me and the other GAPpers are going to the Iguazzu Falls! Can´t wait. It´s an 8 hour bus journey but will be worth it. Have just been into the city centre to buy some walking trainers. Need waterproof jacket too but obviously Paraguay is not the place to buy one.
The last few days have been good, they´ve gone kinda fast cos I´ve been so busy so not had time to think of home. I think I will manage if I have stuff to do, but it all involves spending money and I´m so poor! I think I´ve spent about 600 pound since I´ve been here so not good.
Yesterday Helen and I went to the cinema after work to waste some time. We saw a film that translated roughly as The Science of Sleep, and it was so bad we walked out half way through. But the main bloke was really fit and we saw him naked so it kinda made up for it. BUT THEN I HAD CHINESE FOOD! Good eh.
The coach leaves really early on Friday morning so tomorrow night I´m staying in a hotel. It´s the one we stayed at when we first got here and it´s so cheap ($5 a night) and has the internet :D So I will be on that all night. We´re the only guests they ever have so recognise us and it´s great.
Will find somewhere to upload photos from my brand spanking new camera soon! Maybe in hotel.