
Jan 13, 2007 23:47

Whoa dude. I just took the trip of trips down memory lane. I was crusing YouTube, looking for videos to watch while eating my delicious mac & cheese (maximum fun 'n yum, dood).

Eventually, I thought I'd see if I could dig up an old power rangers episode. Sadly I could not find one, but I did find a more recent episode. It was an episode of "Power Ragers: Wild Force" where the Machine Empire (circa Power Rangers: Zeo) was on the moon trying to unearth (unmoon?) the most fearsome of zords: Serpentera (circa Mighty Morphin Power Rangers feat. Lord Zedd). The Machines believe that Serpentera was going to help bring King Mondo (defeated and dead BBEG of PR:Z) back to life.

So here's the events as the unfolded:

- Red Ranger from PR: In Space finds machine empire trying to dig up Serpentera.
- Red Rangers are then summoned from every fuckin PR team there's ever been.
- Tommy (OMFG) is the leader of this Red Ranger force...but someone mentions another Earth Red Ranger.
- Then Austin fucking St. John shows up (ZOMFGLOLZ), for those of you who don't know him by name you prolly know him better as Jason: THE FIRST EVER RED FUCKING RANGER FUCK YES.
- Red Ranger troop heads for moon.
- Red Rangers fight Cogs. They're machine versions of the Putty Patrolers, I guess is the best explination. Another good one would be the fodder filler of karate exhibition that shows kids to do this stuff at home and you'll be totally 1337. Also you always have to fight the fodder before morphing...everyone knows that.
- Cogs die, Red Ranger 1337 Squad tails the bad guys (who just so happen to look like the Beetleborg costumes that NO ONE is using anymore.)
- What else do you do when you confront the fucking bad guys...YOU MORPH GOD DAMNIT!
- Battle ensues. Red Ranger pwnage everywhere.
- One Beetleborg remains...he starts up Serpentera.
- Wild Force Red Ranger dives head first into its mouth while it fires a LAZAH BEEM at it. Serpentera blows the fuck up.
- Everyone back on Earth, good times had by all. Tommy leaves. Wild Force guy says "OMG TOMMY IS TEH BEST RANGAR EVAR!"
- All the Red Rangers then argue. I'd like to say that Jason gives the best quote: "I was doin' all the dirty work while he was at the juice bar smoochin up Kimberly." (ZOMG ORIGINAL RED RANGER BURN!)
-End of show (You want to watch it? It's called "Forever Red", go to YouTube right now and watch it)


After watching Power Rangers. I dove deep into the recesses of my mind. What show did I watch when I was even younger. What fueled my imagination and brought me up to be the gamer I am today? THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT'S RIGHT! CAPTAIN N, THE GAME MASTER!

Low and behold, they have episodes (broken into 3 parts) but they're there. And I watched em! Oh my lord, it was perhaps the best thing I've seen in a long time. They even had my favorite episode where Captain N goes to Hyrule to meet Link. Then they look for the Potion of Power while traversing the countryside of what is obviously the Hyrule of "Legend of Zelda II: Adventure of Link".

I highly recommend anyone who is anyone to see if you can find your old favorite tv shows. It's always a nice blast from the past to see just how awesome it was to be a kid. Now if you don't mind. I'm formulating a nice drop campaign session for a future weekend where everyone will be playing in a Captain N/Game Over! (Hey Jess, how ya doin?) setting. FUN TIMES TO BE HAD!

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