Nov 29, 2006 17:44
Now here's a game I learned in Big Brothers/Big Sisters:
It's a lot more fun when you use a sheet of paper to draw this stuff, but I think it'd be funny to see what my friends come up with in writing.'s the rules:
1. I create a scenario that involves Person A (let's call him Bob) has his life threatened by Person B (let's call him Gary).
2. It is your job to stop Gary from ending Bob's existance. You may do so by writing the scenario that stops Gary. Here's an example:
EX: SCENARIO: Gary is running towards Bob and is about to shove Bob off the edge of a cliff.
EX: RESPONSE: Gary runs through some freshly dumped "quick-dry" cement from a truck which stops him
Sound simple enough? Here's the kicker...the next person who comments has to stop the first person's scenario from happening. Too hard? Exmaple time!
EX: Gary runs through some freshly dumped "quick-dry" cement from a truck which stops him
EX: The Cement truck ran over a spike belt laid out by some policemen
Then it's the next person's turn to stop the policemen/spike strip laid out. Get it?
If 2 or more people put in a response for one scenario then i will choose the best out of the lot and we will continue the game. There is no winner here, just us and our creativity. So let's start, ok?
Bob was walking down the street, heading for the grocery store, when Gary jumped out from the bushes and shoved Bob into oncoming traffic.
Good luck! I look forward to seeing this game develop.