updates with a survey

Nov 06, 2006 19:15

Stolen from Tina...who was the first person I saw with this survey/post/timewaster


~What is your salad dressing of choice?
Ranch...THE NON-LIGHT KIND. I want fatness and taste and clogged arteries.

~What is your favorite fast food restaurant?
Does Buffalo Wild Wings count as fast food? If not then totally Burger King.

~What is your favorite sit down restaurant?
Buffalo Wild Wings on a WWE Pay-Per-View night...GOOD TIMES.

~On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
Depends on the kindness of the stranger. I usually do 10-12%

~What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick off of?
BWW's Chicken wings...with various sauces.

~What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Meat...lots of it.

~What do you like to put on your toast?

What is your favorite type of gum?


~Number of contacts in your cell phone?

~Number of contacts in your email address book?
I dunno...a lot. 60% of them I probably don't use.

~What is your wallpaper on your computer?

~What is your screensaver on your computer?
My Pictures Slideshow

~How many televisions are in your house?

~What kitchen appliance do you use the least?


~Are you right handed or left handed?
Right handed

~Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Um...no...no i don't think so.

~Do you prefer to read when you go to the bathroom?
Yes. Comic Books.

~Which of your five senses do you think is keenest?
Taste...I taste awesome. (er...that didnt come out right)

~What is the heaviest item you lift regularly?
My lazy ass.

~Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
Not knocked...but i have been put in a sleeperhold.


~If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
Yeah. Valuable knowledge there, yo.

~If you could change your first name, what would you change it to?

~How do you express your artistic side?
With twenty-sided dice, 5 friends, paper, pencils, and my sick & twisted imagination! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!

~What color do you think you look best in?
It's a tie between brown and green.

~How long do you think you could last in a medium security prison?
Um...depends on if they're giving me meds. Some meds make me all jittery.

~Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?

~If we werent bound by society's conventions, do you have a relative you would make a pass at?
What? No! This question is ridiculous.

~How often do you go to church?
Um...whenever Amber or the 'rents say so...also X-Mas and Easter.

~Have you ever saved someones life?
I guess I saved my grandma's life after we got hit by that car.

~Has someone ever saved yours?
I dont know...I think so. I'll say yeah.


~Would you walk naked for a half mile down a public street for $1000?
No one deserves to see that.

~Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
I've done that for free...so yeah.

~Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
Um...that's a lot of money. If get free medical attention for after the chopping then yes. If not then no.

~Would you never blog again for $50,000?
Yes. I hardly blog as it is.

~Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
No...no...and no.

~Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?
Who is it and I'll tell you.

~Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000?
No way dude...mondays, tuesdays, fridays, and sundays are way too important for me to miss TV for a whole year. You try telling Triple H why you're his #1 fan and yet have not seen him in action for the past year.
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