Nov 02, 2004 21:05
If bush wins i'm going to be really pissed off. Halloween sucked this year. Last night was fun. Adam, keller, ryan and I hooked up like 500ft of extention cord into the woods and watched Deliverance. In case you didn't know. Deliverance is about 4 northerners who go on a canoe trip in the woods and are attacked and raped by inbread southerners. Its interesting. Worked today. Saw Ryan, and Clare, and Sam. Got home 20 minutes ago. I'm so bored, my life is so uninteresting. Keller and ryan keep asking me who i like, its beginning to be annoying, cause they don't believe my answer of noone at the moment. Its kinda funny that when i asked a bunch of people if i'v become more mean since sam and I broke up, that everyone answered yes. What they don't understand is that it has nothing todo with that, i've always been an asshole, lol. And when i'm mean i'm usually just being sarcastic or i'm just kidding