(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 01:45

I seem to be more and more pressed for time to actually sit and fill in activities that seem significant enough to document, mainly because every moment seems worth remembering. Instead of holding onto everything and wishing I could return and relive the past years of my life, it seems more worth it to keep them tucked away where I can most conveniently retrieve them: within my own heart and mind.

If you’ve known me from the very day I started to write about myself, you have known me from the first insecure days before things started to piece together. In my very early days, I started talking to my fiancé as a close friend, and my band had started to creep its way towards the fruits of success. Now, two days before we set off for our last tour before our latest project is finished and ready for the final touches, I am at a point where I look back and think of how I could never have imagined things to turn out this way, and everything it took to get me here was worth it.

By the way, Chris finished 15 drum tracks, and I’ve laid down at least 3 guitar parts for the new album. I consider this a good way to end this chapter; more with the promise that another one will pick up where this one has left off. Goodbyes are too final and I find “see you around” works as well as anything.

[We’ve all seen me attempt this before, several times. You can put full faith in this one being a bit more permanent and thought through. Many of you have noticed an increased absence in the last couple months, each day bearing the thought that the “end” is near and if I put it off any longer it would simply end with tapering off until the six week mark finally hit and no one saw me around. Those who know me understand why I hate going out in such a way.

To put it simply, three years is a long period of time for anyone my age. When I picked this up, I barely knew how things worked and put more of myself into the journal than the actual character, and as I learned more about him, the more I enjoyed the creative outlet. Without giving out too much information, I would like to say that my life is moving very fast now, in a direction that brings me away from what used to draw me here, and my creative outlets are finding new directions. I don’t have a use for this particular journal anymore, and I love the band more than I did when I even created it but there comes a point where you just have to end a story on an up note; I’ve well exceeded my expectations and have done everything I can without running the risk of killing the magic.

Email is the best hope of reaching me, unless you know how in other forms or you know me in brackets. There is a special group to which I am referring: if you belong to any Audio…incu...stank sections, I expect contact. You’ve been struggling with coming and going more than I have, and I expect it’s a little weird that as soon as most of us come back together, I’m going to step away. If you guys ever want to do one of those organized sign online things, I’m up for it. It made the most sense to interact with you guys than anyone else.


This is the last night I’ll be actively signed on in case you want to say something to me without leaving it in comments. I’ll remove everyone later this week, and if you want to leave me on for some reason, let me know. Thanks for sticking by me for three years, especially the ones that have been around from the beginning. To newer people, I hope you find this game as fulfilling as I have.]

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