Bookin' it

Aug 29, 2009 11:07

It seems the more things stay the same in my mind, the more they change. I guess it's just living life.

Finally converting all my entries into PDF's via Bo's suggestion, which is working out rather wonderfully. Takes some time, but I suppose all good things do. I can't believe I've been writing in this since 2003.

It's funny, to see my entries and writing style, and recall some things so vividly and yet other things not at all. Just the other day I was telling Denver how I had never been on a jet ski and yet in 2004 sometime at the lake in Austin I apparently was on one. See what drinking does to you?

It's funny too, because I can definitely tell my youth and naivete in my writings. I almost don't like me in some entries, as weird as that sounds. I was a petulant little thing! Probably still am...

However, soon...very soon...I envision this too will come to an end. It's more of a chore to update, and I spend so much time in front of a computer for work that it's almost not wanted for recreational purposes when I'm home.

Today I'm taking a small break, mainly for sanity's sake. Packing up the kitchen and trying to weed through all this junk and mess and make some order out of it all. I suppose it's this sense of packing and putting everything up or throwing it away is what's leading me to want to start fresh with a lot of things. Deleting old accounts, uncluttering...etc. In just a few days, I should be closing on my very first home. (Tony's too, but it's not his first, so it's my claim!) It's been an incredibly long and stressful ordeal, and I'm not even out of the woods yet. However, it is just about everything I'd want in a home, and then some, so I am happy.

And scared. And stressed.

Tony and I will be celebrating 5 years in September, and last week it really hit me how I can't and don't even think of a life without him anymore. Like, it's not even a remote possibility that we won't be together. Coincidentally he mentioned marrying me, and I know he would...and I know I would....but it's just not the right time. Mostly because I don't see the point in celebrating something that isn't "real" legally. Maybe one day...

I will be going on my first cruise with Denver and Ryq and Tony in approximately 15 days, and am incredibly excited. We will go to Jamaica (again!), Cozumel, and Cayman Islands. For a full 7 days. After this home buying business I'll need it.

My closest cousin had her very first baby, and I'm rooting hard for her. She has a lot of obstacles to overcome. My sister got engaged yesterday. I'm so happy for her.

It's weird, because I would think that when I began to wrap this journal business up I'd have some sort of closure or something but it's just as when I started. Full of stuff happening, strong emotions, random musings....nothing's changing and everything is all at the same time. I guess the only way to succinctly wrap this up is to effectively stop living...and that God-willing will not be happening anytime soon.

Oh, I'll be keeping this up and on for a never know when the urge will strike me to take my nimble fingers to the keyboard. To the next adventure!
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