For that too you must pay, for that too you are responsible; for you acted while he dreamed...

Apr 21, 2005 23:48

So, haven't been posting much here, probably won't post much for awhile either. Maybe when I get home I will. Or maybe not. Hopefully I will be busy this summer. I need to get a job. Maybe two. And I'm going to take some summer classes too, get some core classes out of the way so I can attempt to graduate with this double major without taking a fifth year. It could work, right? Yeah. I need to take pictures here before I leave. I will miss all you Centenary folk this summer and all the crazy randomness that is life here. And I'll miss Laurie and Mamina who better come back to visit sometime. But yeah. This is how it goes. So, take care. I love you all.

That would be the terrible thing: to find flesh to stand more than flesh should be asked to stand. --Faulkner
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