Jason Anderson rocks.
The Rockinest Show EVER rocks. Mondays 2-4 KSCL 91.3 fm.
The Rockinest Show EVER listeners rock. Yes, we have listeners and they rock!
The Rockinest Show EVER t-shirts rock. You know you want one.
Rachel and I had another 911 fish rescue tonight, this time at Petco.
Pringles are good.
Second RA interview Monday!
Got A's on my recent midterms, quizzes, papers, projects, and presentation.
I Heart Huckabees is hilarious.
I spend money I don't need to spend.
Looking forward to my next Visual Language project...we get to analyze our own essence of photography.
Going to the Strawberry Festival with all sorts of cool kids!
Spring Break=going home. Mixed feelings, but it'll be good for me. I miss my Iowans. And Illinoisians, but that sounds stupid so I don't say it. Illinois-folk. There we go.
I love you all.