Apr 14, 2005 02:53
Wow, it's depressing to know that I made so little money last year that I don't have to file a tax return for the first time since I was 17.
Moving on, the Killers' concert was a lot of fun. I mean, the school provided the ticket for free, so I cannot really complain. The crowd's energy was a little misplaced, and there were too many high school kids. The audience was massive. Being in the middle of huge crowd is like being a cell in a giant organism. If one person sways, we all sway. The best part though is that when everyone is jumping up and down, I can get a little extra lift. The band played their "radio" songs very well and everyone seemed to get into it and they played some new stuff that was a little mediocre. Of coarse, there are always some dumb fuckers who will mosh to anything and I was about to lose my cool on some occasions. Don't get me wrong; if I'm at a punk concert, I might even join in, but at the Killers? Hell, I've even seen moshing at Ozma concerts.
The fun for me about the Killers is that they seem to be a throwback to early 80s rock with the metrosexual wardrobe (I know, I can't believed I used that word either) and emo song subjects. Regardless, the point was to have a good time and for what it was worth, I did.
And hey:
Smile like you mean it.