Nov 15, 2005 12:35
sooo today at school we learned about this term in sociology class. its referred to as dramaturgical analysis.
sounds pretty boring huh? haha welll its actually pretty interesting.
look at the first what is drama? are right.....acting.....its all acting.....and we as humans do it alot. and if you dont think youre putting on a show think again.....we all do it ;) for example...
today i played the role of a student, and now im playin a role of eating a taco at my computer desk..hehe jk
but heres my point.........its like.....
life is the play and our surroundings are the stage.....
we adapt to our surroundings in order to feel accepted......its our nature ;)
man.....we as humans are really selfish huh??......and im pointing fingers at my self :)
do we really know who we are? or do we puts our masks on to change to adjust to the people around us?
just a thought......think about it ;)