Oct 11, 2003 19:27
Sincerest apologies to all who suffered the Missy Smelly-Butt entry. *sigh* I should pass out more often.
Hung out with Brandon last night. I know that his new straight-edge lifestyle will be difficult to maintain around me, so I think we'll probably do the weekend thing. Or the early afternoon thing. Or he's going to have to start drinking Calistoga. I also told him if he tries to passive-agress against my smoking and drinking, there will be problem. BEEEEEG problem. Love ya, Brandon-poo! :-D
So you know that if I was intoxicated enough to let a tweaking, ex-drag queen kiss me on the lips last night (no tongue, people!) you know I got up pretty late today. Watched a few episodes of Babylon 5 (thanks Ellie and Lisa for turning me into more of a geek than I already was!) and things are getting good 8 or so episodes into the second season. Lisa only dolled out a couple of DVDs (thankfully, or I'd still be watching them--which would be bad because it's now 7:30 and I'm typing this in my green plaid Gap boxers). MUST shower now. Must go out and do something. Brandon's coming over in 25 minutes to burn pics of himself and his boyfriend to a CD. Apparently boyfriend has an idea for a digital collage of some sort. Sounds like boyfriend has some 'splaining to do, if you've ever read Brandon's page. Far be it from me. . .!
Anyway, 25 minutes should be enough to rejoin the living.
Only sober posting from now on! (fooled you there for a second didn't I. ;-)