5 Household Organizing Ideas That Will Keep Your House Neat

Jan 20, 2016 06:01

Not everyone has a housekeeper, so it is up to them to keep their home neat and organized. This is a lot easier than you might think, and it will make you feel better about being home. Also, these tips will make your household look bigger than it is.

Put Everything in its Proper Place

This is a simple habit to develop. When you see an object that has been misplaced, put it back where it belongs. Toys that end up on the kitchen floor should be put back in the children’s room. Books that land on the dining room table must be slipped back onto the bookshelf.

Make Use of Solid Colors

Use solid colors throughout the house to give it a cleaner, more open appearance. You may not think that the color of wallpaper or furniture has anything to do with getting a home organized, but it does. When patterns are involved it can give an organized room a cluttered look.

If you have trouble keeping your home in tip-top shape, do not be afraid to make use of solid colors on the walls, the furnishings, and floors. This is also an excellent way to notice when something is out of place so you can just put it back.

Create One-Place-For-All Bins

Nothing is more stressful when it comes to clutter when papers and mail are strewn everywhere. Create a one-place-for-all bin system. Use plastic boxes to put piles of papers away for future filing. You can also use boxes for toys or clothing but just remember to go through them.

Arrange Books into Groups

Organize your books according to size, topic or color. If you want to arrange them by colors, you just put books with blue covers on one shelf and orange covers on another shelf. It is an excellent way to know just where to put books when they get left out of the shelf.

It is surprising to see how organized bookshelves make a room look neat. It also makes the room look more decorative and can be a great conversation piece.

Get Rid of Anything Unused

Sometimes clutter is made by all the things that are kept but not used. A lot of people have trouble parting with those things they believe that they will use someday. Unfortunately, that day never seems to come.

Go through all of your closets and get rid of anything that you have not used in over a year. You will know what items you are never going to use again. You can choose to sell these items for extra money, or you can give them away to charity. You will be delighted with how clean and neat your home becomes after doing this.

These tips are simple to implement, and they do not cost a lot of money, either. You can be your personal housekeeper when you follow them to make your home organized.

house organization, housekeeper

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