FINISHED!! Ah the sweet hour or two before i become engorged in getting it made

Feb 11, 2005 23:49

Whooo!! I finally finished the script to "Zombie Apocalypse Part 1: The Avenger". The second i put in the final perentheses, i rejoyced more than a boatload of drunk college students partying on top of the eifel tower, who will ultimatley meet theyre end being dared to lean off the edge or be called a wuss for the rest of their life. Then i realized, i had forgotten to do scene 7, the one where the final human's friends die and she runs up to hide. I did it, and once again i rejoyced. I think, this is the first script that i've a actually written in almost 6 months. SWEET! I'm finally back in it, and to think this wasnt even my idea.

It had all started when i was shooting some trailers for movies that we will probobly never make, because that was the one thing i had realized Teen Ninja Family(my production company) didnt have that huge movie studios with millions of dollars to spend, hordes of fans, and groupies throwing themselves at the rich owners was intro trailers, well that and the millions of dollars, and the extremley rich owners, and the hordes of fans.... and i guess the whole groupie part. But mainly intro trailers. So after we shot them, Tristan (Tristan is an important part of Team Ninja)and Manny (Manny was the leading man in the classic piece of crap A Day In The Life Of A Dollar)wanted to do a zombie movie. Or atleast a scene or two for one. So we did it, and the fight scenes were awesome, and we decided to have everyone else over on the day off we had on monday (everyone else being like 5 guys and 2 girls from our lunch table) and film it. The best part was, that i didnt have to even write a script.

It was awesome, everyone could come,which had never happened before in my 2 film career. Sadly i was camping till sunday, so i wasn't able to be reached till sunday afternoon. Then all crap broke loose. Andy, who was the victim in our only special effect scene and a zombie, could only stay till 1:15. Not that bad i thought, we can just do his scenes first. Then, i found out Becca (The Female lead in this movie, who couldnt come to the actual shoot of A Day In The Life Of A Dollar cus she was at "the barn") couldn't come so Liz, who was in the camping scene, couldnt come. DAMN! So i had two choices left, i could call Chelsea, my brothers ex girlfriend who was 2 years older than me but we are still really good friends, or i could call this girl who i barely knew from theatre who said she liked acting so much she would even do obnoxious things just for the fun of it. Oddly after i mentioned the whole movie. I called Chelsea, but she couldnt make it, though she would love to see the finished work. Secretley i think its cus she has a really controlling boyfriend right now. Then i called Serena, but since its almost a god given rule that something has to go wrong with the first day of filming for me, and she was sick. On top of that Tommy, the antagonist (and for those who dont know what antagonist means, its Da Bad Guy) was grounded and couldnt come.So i was forced to make my good friend evan wear a wig. Luckily for him though, Andy and Kyle (Both of which are with me in the band Paranioa {though i doubt we'll be that name for long}) kept jacking off so we didnt get anything done. So when andy left we just had a meeting of the order (The Order of the Kamakaze Tree Squrrels, that is. Dont worry, its no cult we just don't like the neighbor kids who we fought with when we wanted to make a fort. Nothing special, we just play with sticks)Then one week later we tried again, but this time Manny and Jordan kept fu***** around and so once again nothing got done. So, they blamed it on the lack of a script and i was given the odious, horrible task of writing a script. I gotta tell you its no paradise. Not even close.

But now finally its over, and i next week we can film it. But then i got kinda paranoid over whether or not the whole script was any good. So i forced my brother Zack and my dad to read it. And, thank god, they liked it so i dont have to rewrite anything. Maybe someday i'll post it. Maybe not.
And now, im working on the script for Zombie Apocalypse 2: Payback. Luckily for me this ones not an action flick, its an action comedy movie, so i get to have real fun writing it. There will be some messed up shit in it, but i'll love it like a weird half alien child. Shit like Nun Zombies. And a planet of Oompah Loompahs that the main character is actually king of. Maybe even a cameo from PieDarr, my made up Super Hero. Maybe. But let the good times roll, and the bad times be cursed with the fact that they invested all their cash in the pentagon (the shape, not the place)thinking it would do way better than the wheel. Ya right.
Anyway this is Teen Ninja Family wishing you a happy saturday, or sunday if you're in asia.
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