This is the first layout-post in this community. Yay! :Dv
It’s a shiny Kanjani8-layout and it was made by my wonderful sister
kakel . I only did the coding. So most credits go to her and because she’s so great she even managed to put Uchi on it even though he wasn’t on the original pic…♥♥♥
click here to see the layout Instructions:
- Style: S1 Generator
- Leave all the boxes in the colour table blank
- Make sure you have a website listed in your userinfo, otherwise the header won’t show up! Srsly!
- Compability: It should work on both Firefox and IE and on most screen resolutions. But please note that until now I did only layouts for friends or for myself, so I don’t know if it works on all computers. D: So if there’s any problem, please tell me!
- If you want to change the contents of the sidebar, don't forget to change them under LASTN_WEBSITE AND under FRIENDS_WEBSITE. If you don't know how to do this, just ask. :D
- Replace YOURUSERNAME with your username... ^^;
FRIENDS_WEBSITE<=" class="x" style="display:inline;">
%%messagecount%% rangerrangers ∞
%%monlong%% %%dd%%, %%yyyy%%, %%12h%%:%%min%% %%ampm%%
%%messagecount%% rangerrangers ∞
LASTN_WEBSITE<=" class="x" style="display:inline;">
%%monlong%% %%dd%%, %%yyyy%%, %%12h%%:%%min%% %%ampm%%
%%messagecount%% rangerrangers ∞ Rules:
- Please don't take away the credits and/or claim it as your own!!!
- You may modify the layout if you want, but again, leave the credits!
- You don't need to, but it would be easier if you saved the
header and the
background image to your server (in case there were any bandlimit problems)
Don't hesitate to ask me for any help. XD
I hope you like the layout. If you do so, please comment ♥