Title: Last Sunset
Pairings: Orochimaru/Kimimaro if you squint. ;)
Genre: gen, mild angst
Warnings: implied character death
Rating: G
A/N: Written for
naruto100's drabble contest.
Challenge: First and Last
Bonuses: heat, hair, happinness
Wordcount: 263
Kimimaro's genius set him apart from the rest. His eyes were endless, full of secrets that only Orochimaru could unveil. )
And I'm glad to see Kimimaro getting some fanfiction love! :/ He's one of my favorite characters, but he's SOOOO underrated, which makes me very sad! Thanks for writing this and posting! :3
I love writing Orochimaru, so I'm happy that you liked him. <333
And thank you for reading and commenting. :)
Yay Oro-chan! :) I need to try writing him sometime! I think he's the only Akatuski (or former Akatsuki) that I haven't written yet! :/
I hope you get to write Orochimaru soon. <333
Oooh, you should! :) Come on, write KisaIta! XDD You know you want to! *winkwink* And I'll definitely try to write some Orochimaru sometime soon! <33
And I confess, I have a few OroIta and OroSaso bunnies gwnawing at my feet. I can't seem to break away from including Orochimaru in everything I write. >.>
Also? I love your icon! :D
I ADORE KISAITA!! <3 But OroIta and OroSasu are sooo sexy, too! *drool* I've been thinking of doing either OroIta or OroSasoKabu sometime! :) I'd really love to try writing him, because he's one of my favorites but there isn't much fan fic about him! XD
I'm friending you - because I need more awesomeness like this in my flist. xD
There seriously just needs to be a big Sound/Akatsuki orgy sometime! <333 Because everyone knows the bad guys are sexiest!
... I think they really created Akatsuki for this, you know. xDDD
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