Naruto Fic: Last Sunset

May 11, 2007 14:20

Title: Last Sunset
Pairings: Orochimaru/Kimimaro if you squint. ;)
Genre: gen, mild angst
Warnings: implied character death
Rating: G
A/N: Written for naruto100's drabble contest.
Challenge: First and Last
Bonuses: heat, hair, happinness
Wordcount: 263

Kimimaro's genius set him apart from the rest. His eyes were endless, full of secrets that only Orochimaru could unveil. )

naruto fic, orokimi, kimimaro, orochimaru

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momoiro_usagi May 12 2007, 22:47:33 UTC
That was SO sad, but so very good, too! <3 I love the way you write Orochimaru, and your short, simplistic style is VERY effective!! Nice job!! <3

And I'm glad to see Kimimaro getting some fanfiction love! :/ He's one of my favorite characters, but he's SOOOO underrated, which makes me very sad! Thanks for writing this and posting! :3


damoyre May 13 2007, 14:04:27 UTC
I was really struggling to make this succint, to keep the drabble as close to 100 words as possible. (I must have cut at least half of the original draft and I still failed, considering the wordcount. LOL) I'm very glad it still worked for you.

I love writing Orochimaru, so I'm happy that you liked him. <333

And thank you for reading and commenting. :)


momoiro_usagi May 13 2007, 16:05:37 UTC
Yeah, keeping drabbles close to 100 words is REALLY, REALLY challenging, but you did a great job! <333 It's short, but it conveys so much meaning!

Yay Oro-chan! :) I need to try writing him sometime! I think he's the only Akatuski (or former Akatsuki) that I haven't written yet! :/


damoyre May 13 2007, 16:10:50 UTC
Oooh! Akatsuki makes me happy in my pants, but unfortunately I've never written any of them. ;-;

I hope you get to write Orochimaru soon. <333


momoiro_usagi May 13 2007, 16:13:01 UTC
HAPPY IN PANTS!!! XD Lol! I say that all the time, so I'm always very amused when someone else says it!

Oooh, you should! :) Come on, write KisaIta! XDD You know you want to! *winkwink* And I'll definitely try to write some Orochimaru sometime soon! <33


damoyre May 13 2007, 16:16:30 UTC
KisaIta is SO hot. xD I will try to do something with them. *nod nod*

And I confess, I have a few OroIta and OroSaso bunnies gwnawing at my feet. I can't seem to break away from including Orochimaru in everything I write. >.>

Also? I love your icon! :D


momoiro_usagi May 13 2007, 16:19:49 UTC
Awww, thank you!! *huggles* I'm glad you like it!! :)

I ADORE KISAITA!! <3 But OroIta and OroSasu are sooo sexy, too! *drool* I've been thinking of doing either OroIta or OroSasoKabu sometime! :) I'd really love to try writing him, because he's one of my favorites but there isn't much fan fic about him! XD


damoyre May 13 2007, 16:23:32 UTC
Omg, I'm a big OroKabu fan. OroSasu is hot too. But OroSasoKabu? That would be brilliant!

I'm friending you - because I need more awesomeness like this in my flist. xD


momoiro_usagi May 13 2007, 16:26:04 UTC
^_____^ YAY!! I was just going to ask to do the same! <3 Thank you! *friends back*

There seriously just needs to be a big Sound/Akatsuki orgy sometime! <333 Because everyone knows the bad guys are sexiest!


vivianedanglars April 16 2008, 00:36:18 UTC
quote: There seriously just needs to be a big Sound/Akatsuki orgy sometime!

... I think they really created Akatsuki for this, you know. xDDD


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