Title: The Way He Moves
Characters: Chazz, Jimmy
Rating: G
Genre: Humor
Word Count: 100
Summary: Jimmy thinks that Chazz could use some practice.
A/N: Written for
bog100's challenge: Practice
The way Chazz moves is obscene, like some primeval fertility ritual. Jimmy feels his cheeks burn as Chazz's thick limbs rub him in all the wrong places, and he collapses: flat on his back under Chazz's weight. It's like being trapped under a refrigerator.
"Have you ever done this, you oaf!"
After the third round Jimmy can't hold back anymore. "I quit!" he cries. Then coach and Jesse run to his aid.
"I need no lessons!" Chazz stands and he's at it again, all hip-thrusting, hand-licking, and chest-rubbing.
Jimmy shakes his head. Whatever Chazz says, his dance moves need practice.
- Fin -