Jun 29, 2003 16:46
look how bored i get in the summer. sorry to inflict this on you guys...
name: ginny
backwards: ynnig
Does your name mean anything?: well, let's think about this... virginia. virginia. must i elaborate further?
Were you named after anyone?: i was not named after the state. my middle name has been in the family for years.
Nickname(s): ginny, ginnymo
Screenname(s): ungrimreaper13
Date of birth: august 15, 1988... i know, i'm a youngin.
Place of birth: mean streets of bryn mawr. i'm from the ghetto, yo.
Current location: at the computer. in my family room. in my house. in my little suburb.
Religion: we are ::makes u's with pointer fingers and thumbs:: unitarian universalists. church of the ::makes doors in front of head:: open minds, ::sticks out hands:: helping hands, and ::puts hands in front of chest:: loving hearts. rah rah! wish i was in boston with all of ye.
Height: 5'7" ish
Shoe size: 9 i think.
Hair color: strawberry blonde.
Eye color: bluish greyish
What do you look like?: when i wore those funky glasses colin said i looked like a lesbian librarian porn star. how fucking hot is that...
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: righty
How old are you mentally?: well, i can be mature when i'm in the mood. but i've rediscovered my inner child while teaching my 3 year olds. i love finger painting...
What are your best qualities: that's an unfair question. mer.
Do You Have...
Any sisters: if our plot is carried out, natalie will be my brother's wife's sister's husband's brother's wife's sister. does that count?
Any brothers: lee!
Any pets: my cat eddie. and some carrots.
A disease: not that i know of.
A pager: nope
A personal phone number: a cell phone...
A leather jacket with studs on it?: nope. i'm not as cool as jen, i guess.
A heroin needle: drugs are bad.
A pool or hot tub: my parents are thinking of getting a hot tub. but, knowing them, i'll have graduated college before they actually do it.
A Car: i don't like cars. they're scary.
Describe Your...
Personality: i'm an oooooptimistttttt not a pessimiiiiiistt... the glass is half fuuuulll not half emptyyyyyy... that was fucking beautiful.
Driving: ew. if you've ever seen me drive a gocart, you don't want me on the road. i fully intend to use mass transit/bicycles/my legs when i grow up.
Car or one you want: i don't want a car. i don't like them. they hurt the environment. and they kill people. and i'd be dangerous in one.
Room: pretty... all sorts of random things on the wall. art projects and a million bazillion pictures. traffic cones! very messy though.
School: all constructionized. you can't move. but it'll be all pretty next year.
Relationship with your parent(s): usually pretty good. nothing to complain about extensively, anyway.
Do You...
Believe in yourself?: yup.
Believe in love at first sight?: yup.
Consider yourself a good listener: yup.
Consider yourself a good friend: i think so.
Get along with your parents: yup.
Save your e-mail or conversations: if they're really funny or important.
Pray: nope. not a big god-believer. or at least not that there's somebody up there listening to my prayers.
Believe in reincarnation: it's a cool idea. and i do try to treat things well, but not because i'll be reincarnated.
Like to make fun of people: not in a meanspirited way. well, i try not to. but nobody's perfect.
Like to talk on the phone: with the right people. but i prefer aim.
Like to drive: no! i hate cars!
Get motion sickness: sometimes in cars, but not usually. get seasick on some boats. get sick even looking at teacups and similar rides, but not at all on rollercoasters.
Eat chicken fingers with a fork: i don't eat chicken much. maybe i'll become vegetarian...nah.
Dream in color: i think so.
Type with your fingers on home row: yup.
Sleep with a stuffed animal: every night. i love romeo-bob. he's my cow i won on valentines' day over a year ago.
What Was/Is (or Are)...
Right next to you: papers and pencils and a lamp and computer and a mouse and a keyboard and shtuff.
On your mouse pad: dell. and a globe.
Your dream car: i. don't. like. cars.
Your dream honeymoon spot: i honestly haven't thought about it much. i like paris a lot. or someplace in australia.
Your bedtime: school day: 10ish. weekend: midnightish. summer: 2ish.
Under your bed: nothing, actually.
The single most important question: i dunno, but the answer is 42.
Your bad time of the day: the morning.
Your worst fear(s): i'm semi claustrophobic and i don't like fish or oral presentations.
The time?: 4:07
The date?: june 29
The weirdest food or drink that you like?: jello! what a weird food.. bone marrow..
The hardest thing about growing up?: i dunno. i haven't found it all that difficult, really.
Your funniest experience: too hard to choose. i find most things funny.
Number: it's a tie between 69 and 4.
Color: blue or black or turquoise.
Day: sunday! go church dorks.
Month: may is a pretty month. and august is good too because there's no school and it's my birthday and there's band camp at the end.
Song: MANAMANA! (doot doo do do do)
Movie: i like empire records a lot. and lord of the rings. and holy grail. and and and a lot of other ones.
Food: i like food. all food. chocolate is always good, as is mexican and italian and usually chinese.
Band: too many! i like ska and punk and oldies and regular rock and everything.
Season: spring.
Sport: volleyball.
Class: math is fun. and english. i used to think i hated history, but world cultures was interesting this year and i really think i'm gonna like euro. and i love yearbook. and band. and chorale. and and and everything. i'm such a dork...
Teacher: slaninka was fun, mrs. hall and i were *tight* had her for 2 years in a row and we were the only girls... sculley was fun but sometimes annoying this year... ms. houseman is nice. and ms. doyle.
Drink: milk! strong bones.
Veggie: peas! or rhubarb. or onions. i like onions. rawwww onions. and carrots. i love my vegetables.
TV Show: i don't really watch tv. used to watch er. but not that much anymore.
Radio Station: y100 or wmmr
Animal: cats. and mongoosies!
Flower: bleeding hearts are pretty. and forget-me-nots. and sunflowers. and poppies. i like flowers.
Love + Relationships...
Do you have a bf/gf?: nope.
Do you have a crush?: not particularly.
How long have you liked him/her?: n/a
Why do you like this person?: n/a
How long was your longest relationship?: 5 months.
How long was your shortest relationship?: 2 days.
The Past...
Last thing you heard: the dishwasher.
Last thing you said: mmm... cookies...
Who is the last person you saw?: me mummy or me daddy.
Who is the last person you hugged?: me mummy, when she came home from illinois last night.
Who is the last person you fought with?: my daddy or my brother.
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: steve, last night.
What is the last TV show you saw?: for love or money? haha... what a dumb show.
The Present...
What are you wearing?: a black tshirt and greenish pants.
What are you doing?: listening to music and answering this silly survey.
Who are you talking to?: nobody. i'm "away."
What song are you listening to?: the postal service--such great heights *grins* for the millionth time.
Where are you?: in my chair in front of the computer in my family room in my house in my suburb. i've gone through this, methinks.
Who are you with?: me mummy is on the couch and my daddy is in the kitchen and my grandparents are upstairs. they're visiting from oregon-o.
How are you feeling?: refreshed! i woke up late, ate breakfast, went back to sleep, ate lunch, and lazed around.
Are you in a chatroom?: nope.
The Future...
What day is it tomorrow?: monday. ew. i have to go to health and do an oral presentation on stis.
What are you going to do after this?: at 6 we've got dinner reservations at warm daddy's which is this southern restaurant bar place downtown and we're going to hear my daddy's friend's band. the big push. woo! good food and loud music.
Who are you going to talk to?: my family. maybe the cute waitor. =)
Where are you going to go?: warm daddy's
How old will you be when you graduate?: 17.
What do you want to be?: something that helps people. i dunno. i might wanna major in social work or international affairs. i've even thought about becoming a minister, but i hate public speaking, so right now that's out of the picture.
What is one of your dreams?: last night i dreamed that joe's baby died so he could take us to con. but i don't want him to die, really. i had a dream once that me and my brother were walking along this path in the forest and then i realized lee was gone and i went into this dark house and there were dead children in the kitchen cabinet and i realized that a monster had eaten him and i ran away. and i used to dream that i was surrounded by snakes in my backyard. in english we were talking about dreams and ms. houseman said that snakes in dreams mean you're satanic or that somebody wants to kill you or something like that. hmm...
Where will you be in 25 years?: in the peace corps.
Have You Ever...
Drank?: nope.
Smoked?: nope
Had sex?: nope.
Stole?: a traffic cone!
Done anything illegal?: stolen a traffic cone. walked when it says DON'T WALK. other than that, i don't think so.
Wanted to die?: not seriously.
Hit someone?: lee.
Do you write in cursive or print?: print, but sometimes it looks like cursive.
What piercings do you have?: 2 per ear. and i want to get my nose pierced or my eyebrow pierced or my bellybutton pierced. but my daddy says no. not till i move out of the house.
Do you drive?: no!
Do you have glasses or braces?: neither.
dammit. now i have to find something else to waste my time on.