my first livejournal

Jan 26, 2008 03:06



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mandarinadesu January 25 2008, 22:21:55 UTC
waa! nice hat, I love it! I saw the link in the community so I added you~~
hope you don't mind ^.^ see you~!


konnichi one two ☆ damonlover January 26 2008, 18:05:17 UTC
thanks for adding me to your list !!

your page is so cute :D
maruchan is also kawaiiii~

my roommate loves maruchan too !!
she says to me paaaaan whenever we face each other...
and she forces me to do subamaru gags together...
*little bit tired*

nice to meet you !!


Re: konnichi one two ☆ mandarinadesu January 27 2008, 01:36:00 UTC
waa thank you~

yeah maru is really kawaii, but
yasu is the cutest person I have ever
seen >.<
I love maruchan's paaaan!! XDD
hahah doing gags MUST be tiring XDD

I checked your profile~ I prefer rainy
days too (I love the rain <3 ) and I like
perfume ^^
and I saw you like bad education, amores
perros...(I'm from spain ^^) do you like Gael
Garcia Bernal (the main character) or it's
just a coincidence? XD

nice to meet you too!


damonlover January 27 2008, 08:29:21 UTC
yasuchan maruchan too much pretty :D

you love the rain !!
me too
i dont need an umbrella
i love shower and swimming
water is gooood :)

you like perfume !!
they are soooo cute :)
my favorite songs are "Perfect Star Perfect Style" and "Computer City"
how about you?

Gael he is cute but thats a coincidence
but you know i wrote "Science Of Sleep" on my fuv list...
he was there also XD
'course its a coincidence...

i like Armodovar's complex feelings and color
the color he making is Spain color i imagine
vivid red yellow and blue... beautiful :)

"Amores Perros" is the most shocking movie for me
story color camera-work and unusual structure !!

could you recommend any Spanish movies?
Spain is emotional and passionate
maruchan is passionate !!

i met two Spanish girls here
they loves subachan :D
i feel subachan matches with Spain
maruchan also :D


mandarinadesu January 27 2008, 10:38:39 UTC
I love perfect star perfect style! and vitamin drop <3 I got into them just recently because a friend showed me perfect star ( ... )


damonlover January 27 2008, 17:32:03 UTC
wow~ thanks a lot!!
ive seen "Open Your Eyes" its so shocking story !!
very excited !!

ive also seen "All About My Mother" "Talk To Her"
(so beautiful movies!!)
and "Los Otros" :)
(ending is very interesting!!)

i watched "Y tu mama tambien"...XD
im not sure but i may love Gael.....?

i dont know other movies so im gonna check them~

"vitamin Drop" cute song~

maruchan loves Tokyo Incidents well right?
you also listen to their songs?
i dont like their songs basically
but i love "Senkou Shojo" and "Koi ha Maboroshi"


mandarinadesu January 27 2008, 23:41:37 UTC
uwaa~ you have seen a lot of spanish movies!
i didn't help you too much XD ummm have you seen
"Mi vida sin mi" (my life without me) or "te doy
mis ojos" (take my eyes)? these are kind of good too ^^

hahah Gael must be your unknown love XDD

Yeahh, it seems that Maru and I have similar tastes XD
I like Suga Shikao and he likes him too XD
I do love Tokyo Jihen !! both the band and Shiina's voice <3
I love her XDD my favourites are Gunjou Biyori and Rakujitsu,
and I like Senkou Shojo too, its a nice song~


damonlover January 28 2008, 00:30:49 UTC
i dont know the two movies...
i have to check them~
yeah i should say i love Gael loudly XD

suga sikao ... i dont like :(
oh !! Gunjou Biyori is gooood !!

did you see music video of "Koi Wa Maboroshi"?
:) its cute !!
the strange guy in this video is the genius comedian!
his name is Gekidan Hitori
he is also a novelist
"Kage Hinata ni Saku" that is his sweet work made into a movie recently
Junichi Okada will appear in that movie!!

at Kikujani shochan said he like "Shiseikatsu" of Tokyo Incidents
i loved this song much before
but i became hating this song since i heard the Kikujani
coz usually music he say he loves are that i hate
for example My Chemical Romance or Fall Out Boy...:(
im a contrary person :P

maruchan said "Kokoro" at Kikujani
you loves it?


mandarinadesu January 28 2008, 01:11:40 UTC
hahah i listen to Sugasan when I'm studying, his voice relax me XDD

I haven't seen that PV before, it was funny ^.^
and I didn't know Gekidan he very famous in Japan?
Junichi is soo kakkoii~ i checked the cast of the movie and
I saw Tsukamoto Takashi appears there too, it's a must see!

hahah I see you are really a contrary person XD I liked Fall out boy before..
waa I envious that you can hear kikujani in live~ ^^ I have to wait until someone
upload it XD and even so I can't understand almost anything XDD

yeahh I like kokoro too! my favourites songs are the ones in Gunjo Biyori,
Sounan and Shuraba singles ^.^


damonlover January 28 2008, 01:59:39 UTC
i cant hear Kikujani in live at Tokyo

so my mom in Hyogo of Kansai sends me...
but i understand very well :D
coz my hometown is kansai and i use kansaiben

i see~
oh kokoro is in sounan :)

suga shikaos voice is really unusual :D
he~ im gonna check his songs
what song is your favorite?

anyway the story is goood :)
so probably the movie is also goood
we should see it !!


mandarinadesu January 28 2008, 15:14:52 UTC
Ah! you live in Tokyo! that's cool~
I would like to live in a big city
like Tokyo sometime.

so good your mother sends you Kikujani ^.^
hehe I love kansaiben XD it sonunds good! and I
think it's a bit like the "dialect" we speak
where I live :)

yeah, we should say unusual XDD he hasn't a
really good voice... The whole "Sugarless" album
is my favourite of Suga, songs are "Yozora
no mukou", "Room 201", "Climax", "Progress"... ^^

I have to check if someone is going to subb
that movie~ thanks for recommending it :D


damonlover January 29 2008, 01:08:46 UTC
no no sorry!!
suga san voice is soft and good i think :P
it fits on study time like you

i know "Yozora no Mukou"
sweet song :)
but ive never heard but only SMAP singing version

im gonna check your favorites :)

Kansaiben is dirty and ugly...
in my hometown Hyogo (same as yasuchan),
we speaks more ugly than Osaka people
its Banshu-ben (Banshu-dialect)!!
its said that Banshu-ben is the most ugly dialect of japanese XD

you also have any dialects in Spain!!
how about you?
your dialect is much different from usual spanish?


mandarinadesu January 29 2008, 11:55:34 UTC
DD no, i actually think he hasn't a good voice, but ( ... )


damonlover January 29 2008, 17:00:05 UTC
its sure that Suga-san version is more soft and beautiful than SMAP one

yasuchan speaks in Banshuben sometimes
its hardly different from Osaka's one
but we have any words that osaka people dont use

Kyoto dialect is soooo cute and sexy
maruchan is from Kyoto right?
i think one of reasons that maruchan is the sexiest of eight :)

you are from Andalucia !!

"Andalusians are funny people"
you also funny?
maruchan is like Andalusian XD

how lazy dialect :P
but i like dialects
interesting and unique!!

its so hard for nihongo no sensei :(
you speak Japanese?


mandarinadesu January 30 2008, 01:03:23 UTC
do you think maru is the sexiest? not
many people thinks like that~ ^^ (I think
like you XD)

yes my dialect it's lazy! XD another cliche
is "andalusians are all lazy people" XDD
yeah dialects are very interesting!

I don't know if i'm really funny... though I'm
always doing weird things XDD my friends say
to me that I'm like a clown XD

Maruchan could be Andalusian XD I think all
of eight could be because they are funny and
noisy people XD

It was difficult for her, but she speaks really
good spanish, I'm envious of her for being able
to speak so well antoher language ^^

I'm in the middle of my second year of Japanese,
so I can speak just a little, I understand it more
than I talk it. I make lots of mistakes when
talking it XD
but I must practice and study more because
I'm studying Tourism and knowing languages
(besides English) is very important ^^
what about you? do you study or are you working?


damonlover January 31 2008, 12:39:16 UTC
cute icon XD

maruchan is sexiest im sure :)
he has many expressions!!

"like a crown"
thats very very funny :P
im noisy so probably i could be Andalusian!!

English is sooo difficult for me...
so i cant imagine i speak in Spanish...

sounds nice :D
so hard to study

i work in a clothing shop :)


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