life update

Sep 11, 2009 10:16

A lot has happened lately.

Michelle got me a PS3 Slim for my birthday, which is awesome. Less awesome is the fact that the latest PS3 firmware update bricks one game and one game only, and that game is Uncharted, which is one of only two games I own and really do want to play. Suck. The 360's >50% hardware failure rate is abysmal and completely inexcusable, but arguably, once the boxes are out there in the world, there's little Microsoft can do to repair them. For Sony to spend months developing and testing the latest SOFTWARE update only for it to render one of its most popular platform exclusives unplayable--little over a month before the release of its sequel, no less--is MORE inexcusable.

My main home computer died over the holiday weekend. Fortunately, the hard drives are just fine; it was the mobo that bricked. After much internal struggle, I've come to the conclusion that I can live with a "backup" assembled from spare parts, bought a few months ago on the cheap and originally destined for the office I do consulting work at as a cheap additional desktop. It's disturbing that in the three years since my last p1mped-out PC, most of my gaming is console, most of my development and database research I can remote into, and nearly everything else is Web-accessible. Grid and cloud computing, indeed.

I'm back on business travel--once a month, at least. It's almost six years to the day since my last full-time business travel. This time, I'm taking the same old Acela down to DC and thence to Arlington. Best part of the whole endeavor: Flat Top Grill, one of my most beloved restaurants and easily the restaurant I miss the most, is A) still down there, and better yet is B) two blocks from both my hotel and my office. So bring it on, baby. Extra shrimp skewers ALL UP IN THIS BITCH.

There is no App of the Week this week, primarily on account of having a bricked PC. If I were to pick one, however, it would be a tie between Knights Onrush (review forthcoming) and, for the second time, Defender Chronicles, which I continue to worship and love since the latest version update. Although there are no new maps--which is nearly unforgivable--there is a new hero, which basically means you can replay the entire friggin' game over again with just as much enjoyment. Love this friggin' game. If you have an iPhone, buy it. Even if you don't like it, obifu and I need more maps, and the more people buy it, the more love the developers have to show back on us.
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