Title: Sometime After Midnight
Rating: PG 13 - language
Pairing: Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett
Disclaimer: Vampire Diaries belongs to L.J Smith and the lovely people who brought it to TV
Summary: Damon realizes Bonnie has been playing with dark magic - and that just won't do!
Word Count: 2514
Author's Note: Holy cow I wrote a Bamon oneshot. It's been like forever since I last did so! It was intended to be a drabble (because my time is so compressed right now that I can't do anything but short bursts - hence why Uneven Ground is behind schedule), but it just kept coming so I went with it. Set post S3 finale - the title comes from Airborne Toxic Even because I was listening to it when I wrote!
Because the girl standing before him is not his Bonnie. She is a mutation, a product of way too many tragedies and not enough good memories to counterbalance it all out. )