(no subject)

May 19, 2006 05:46

This was to be completed in time for Kitten's birthday, and it was, but real life kept me from my typistry yesterday. It's Regency, so while this part is dirtier than the previous, it's not quite porn.

It took nearly an hour to walk to town. Spencer would have been glad to run her in the carriage, but Mikey quite enjoyed the walk. It gave her a bit of peace to walk through the fields and the meadows alone. It wasn’t too hot, either, so she had been looking forward to the trip since she’d woken up that morning.

It had been a week since they’d retuned from London and Mikey was a little afraid that Dr. Stump wouldn’t remember her. She’d contemplated sending him a note to arrange an appointment, but she couldn’t think of what to say. In the end, she figured that would just turn up in the cream-colored dress she’d gotten for her last birthday and, if he wasn’t in, at least she’d had the walk.

She’d never been to Dr. Stump’s office before. Her father still called on Dr. White for everything. He said he couldn’t trust a doctor younger than himself, no matter how lofty his credentials. It was in a little building next to the cobbler’s. Mikaela peeked in the window and saw no one at all, then rang the bell. She felt a momentary thrill of doing something that was somehow forbidden, going to see young Dr. Stump on her own and unannounced.

She watched through the narrow window as Dr. Stump came out of his inner office, cleaning his spectacles on a handkerchief, and Mikey smiled. He didn’t seem to notice her. She watched as he set his glasses on his face, ran a hand through his hair, and opened the door. He nearly jumped when he saw her. “Miss Way!”

“Good afternoon, Dr. Stump.” There was then an extremely awkward pause while they stared at each other, each waiting for the other to say something. Mikey finally continued. “When we met in London, you said I should borrow a book from your library.”

“Yes, yes!” He was a sudden blur of motion, pushing the door open and ushering her through the door. “Please come in.”

Mikey came into the hallway and took off her hat. The rooms (an examination room, judging by the table, and Dr. Stump’s office) were relatively clean, the paperwork arranged into manageable piles and dusted. The books of his personal library were arranged in shelves along the western wall of his office. Mikaela went immediately to inspect the spines.

Dr. Stump sat in the chair behind his desk. “Feel free to take anything that strikes your fancy.”

Mikey ran her fingers over the spines of the books. His books were clearly separated: there was a section for history, a section for literature, and then, down so low that Mikey had to crouch to reach it, there was a section of contemporary fiction, books she’d never seen by authors she’d only heard of. “The Pembroke novels are quite good,” Dr. Stump said, and Mikey was momentarily startled. She looked up and he was smiling softly at her. “But you have to start with the first one or they’re impossible to follow.”

Mikey selected the first of the row and finally took the chair opposite Dr. Stump’s. “They’re detective novels, aren’t they?”

Dr. Stump nodded, but Mikey was still looking down at the book. “Yes, but there’s quite a lot of family drama too. And a love story, once you get a few volumes in.” When Mikey did look up, he was blushing just a little.

She smiled. “I look forward to reading them, then.” They sat then in silence for a few moments and Mikey liked it. She was more comfortable with Dr. Stump than she could ever remember being with a man her own age. He smiled back at her and Mikey realized that he wasn’t nervous anymore either. “Would you care for a cup of tea?”

Mikaela managed to make her tea last the better part of an hour. When she was finally ready to take her leave, Dr. Stump walked her to the door. “Would you like to take another book? There are eleven in the series and I suspect you’re a fast reader.”

Mikey shook her head. “I would like the excuse to visit again, especially if you invite me to stay for tea again.”

He smiled in a way that was surprisingly rakish and Mikey’s heart sped. “Of course, Miss Way. There is always a cup of tea here for you when you want it.”

“Thank you, Dr. Stump.” Mikey put on her hat and stepped through the doorway. “I shall see you soon.”

Geraldine usually rode twice a day. Before her afternoon ride, she went through the stables with William or Spencer and was updated on the condition of her horses and what needed to be done in the stable. Spencer was extremely smart and focused, but Gerry liked the days she took her tour with William. He had an easier manner about him, comfortable from the incident two years ago when Geraldine had decided to make William her first.

Lord Way had an annual summer party commemorating the elevation of the first Lord Way in 1412. He invited old friends, family, and anyone important that had sufficiently sucked up in the previous year. It meant the house was packed solid for five days and she and Mikaela could rarely get a moment to themselves. She did, however, escape once a day to check on the horses. Spencer had been called up to the house to assist Ryan with the gentlemen visitors for the week, leaving William to look after the visitors’ horses on his own. Gerry didn’t see him when she came into the barn, so she carried out her inspection alone. She was giving Hastings a carrot when she noticed William leaning against the stall gate. His hair was always a glossy, inviting tangle and Gerry wanted to run her fingers through it. His hip was tilted against the wood and Gerry had a sudden hope that this was what he looked like getting out of bed in the morning. “Is there something I can do for you, Miss Way?”

Gerry lifted her chin, but let her mouth twitch with a playful smile. “Just making sure that you haven’t been neglecting my horses.”

William pushed away from the gate and moved toward her. “You know that your horses always come first.”

When Mikaela had witnessed their flirting and asked if there was something going on between William and Geraldine, Gerry had flatly denied it. In honesty, she liked the way William looked at her, as if he desired her. It wasn’t the sort of look she got from the younger sons of her father’s peers, men who looked at her with titles and pound signs in their eyes. She could look at William and know that there would be nothing past this afternoon, a tumble for curiosity’s sake.

Geraldine didn’t even say anything. She just turned to him and cocked her head in a manner that would have been brash had it not been accompanied by a coy, devilish smile. William smiled in return, just as cocky, accepting her invitation, and then Geraldine was on him, pushing him against the gate and sealing her mouth to his. William was obviously a little spooked at her boldness, but he’d always taken her direction, so when she slid her fingers beneath his waistband, he wrapped his arms around her and steered her to a clean, quiet corner.

William turned out to be a very attentive lover and more playful than Gerry had expected. He nipped at her shoulder while undressing her, then grinned. When he skated his fingers over her clit for the first time, she’d tossed her head back in delight and he laughed, pausing to kiss her neck. By the time he was naked and sliding into her, Gerry wanted it so badly she thought he’d cry. He pushed in slowly, his eyes shut tight and his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Gerry couldn’t take her eyes off of him. “God, Geraldine...” he was all the way inside and it felt so much better than doing it herself. He moved out and in once and then opened his eyes, staring down at her. Gerry’s breath caught in her throat. He set his jaw and began thrusting, quick and hard. Gerry wouldn’t have expected it from him. She was too overwhelmed by sensation to contribute much, but William didn’t demand anything of her. He just murmured softly against the crook of her neck and, when he was close, shifted his weight and moved a hand between them to rub vigorously at her clit. Gerry muffled the cry as she came against his shoulder and she thought she heard William laugh again as he followed her over.

They’d laid there for a while, William cradling her close until she had to get up and redress herself to return for dinner. William just watched her, smiling as he laid naked on the blanket with his head propped on his hand. She made a sour face at him. “You do realize that we won’t be doing this again, right?”

He scrunched up his nose and pursed his lips in gentle mockery of her expression. “Of course, Miss Way.”

Gerry couldn’t help a half-smile. “You can call me Geraldine.”

By the time Mikaela finished the seventh book in the series, Mikaela felt like she knew Dr. Stump intimately. She’d learned to take his pauses as they were frequently followed by thoughtful insights or a dose of his subtle humor.

“May I ask you a personal question, Miss Way?” She nodded. He waited until he had finished pouring her second cup of tea. He knew precisely how she liked it now, a dash of milk and a healthy squeeze of lemon. “Why is it that you are not yet married off?”

Mikey felt herself blush as she drank the first sip of her tea. She looked at the teapot as she slowly responded. “Dr. Stump, most eligible men seem to want a title and land. I can offer neither of those things, but Geraldine can.”

“In my experience, as the third son of a man with more land than he needs, I have to say I’ve quite liked it. None of the intense scrutiny of who I marry that Peter gets. Enough income to go to medical college.”

Mikaela smiled. “I’ve felt rather the same way.” Dr. Stump returned her smile. She sometimes thought that his smiles were the best part of her visits.

“Hasn’t there ever been a man who just liked you?”

Mikey shook her head. “I don’t know very many men.”

“I know you now,” Dr. Stump said seriously, carefully, like it was the most important thing he had ever said. “I like you.” Mikaela’s mouth dropped open a fraction and Dr. Stump, who she would never have called bold, held her gaze for a full minute until Mikey turned her attention back to her tea.

It took her another few minutes to work up the courage to respond, and by the time she’d figured out what to say, he had escorted to the door with the eighth book. “Dr. Stump,” she said, turning on the stoop to face him. “I’d like you to come up to the house this weekend and met my father.”

He blinked, and then smiled. She thought he looked touched. “I’d enjoy that very much. Thank you, Miss Way.”

She smiled softly. “My name is Mikaela.”

There was a glint in his eyes that was positively playful. “Then thank you, Mikaela.”

“Thank you, Patrick,” she said, and then started for home.
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