(no subject)

May 16, 2006 22:49

Poll be honest

In the continuing spirit of Write Fic, You Bastards, here is some footage, including random crossovery things:

Sugar We're Goin' Down
Thirty seconds of JOY, in which the craptastic audio and poor quality is made excusable by the fact that the person videoing was really close. And: Spencer killing it on the drums. And: Ryan and Pete having A Moment. And: seriously, really close.
I Write Sins
Basically you can see that there like, IS a stage, and presumably some people are on it, but mostly I link to this because you can hear them pretty well and sigh Patrick omg.

Chicago, 5/15
FOB covering I Write Sins
One minute twenty seconds of "!!!!"

Panic! covering Slow Motion
London, 4/26 | Holland, 5/2 | Nottingham Rock City
In order: 2:01, okay audio; 1:17, really good audio; 1:08, far away, good audio. Please let someone get this whole performance on video, or equally good, let someone make a good mp3 of it so I can listen to it all day long. Brendon. God. Sure, just go ahead and cover one of my favorite songs, I'll just go sit over here and DIE.

Tell That Mick He Just Made My List of Things To Do Today
Okay, I...think this is a fanmade video? It's a bunch of live footage stuck together, and as far as I know they didn't release this song as a single, so your guess is as good as mine. (Unless you have facts, in which case your facts would be better than my guesses.) Anyway, it gives us lots of shirtless Andy doing what he does best (oh, you. I mean drumming, silly), bass licking, leaping, general Trohmania, Pete singing along with the crowd, Patrick doing that thing he does where he's all existent and I'm like, HI.
Sugar We're Goin' Down (CD USA)
Joe wears a striped shirt, Pete almost gets eaten by the crowd, Patrick looks like a scared bunny rabbit. No, just watch. He really does.
FOB talking about the Gorilla Biscuits song they covered for that skateboarding game
It's only thirteen seconds long, but MAN, does Patrick ever stuff a lot of cute into the time allotted him.
Saturday, NFT 11/23
Pete tells everyone to go see Harry Potter, and then come up onstage and dance with them. Because Pete is an insane motherfucker, and also *such* a geek.

From the Clandestine Buzznet, a picture of Pete and Andy and AAR at Chucky Cheese.

Look, I don't explain things, I just post them.

And in the ETERNAL spirit of hi, love me, I feel it pertinent to note that my birthday is on Thursday, so if you guys, say, wanted to post porn, or pictures of Patrick (or...porny pictures of Patrick, should they somewhere exist) or other things of joy on that day then I would TOTALLY like, be your BFF. You could sit next to me at the ninety-five person strong cool kids lunch table that is our community. I might steal your french fries, though. Or your heart.

polls, media, fob, panic!

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