(no subject)

Oct 18, 2006 03:30

Ryan, who had made the very wrong decision to sit up at the very moment Brendon had started his tirade, shot off the bed and fell with a heavy thud onto the floor.

“What. The hell. Are you talking about.” Ryan found his voice after a minute. Maybe it was because of the advanced hour, or the fact that even he couldn’t see why Brendon would lie about such an asinine, impossible thing happening to Spencer, but Ryan was inclined to take the words as face value. He slowly sat up, eyes peeking over the side, to where Brendon was sitting on the bed, totally perplexed but still managing to giggle over Ryan’s impromptu salon with the carpet.

Brendon blinked, still snickering. Then he took a good, long look in Ryan’s eyes, which had appeared over the side of the bed and held pure, stupid confusion, and his laughter increased tenfold.

“Ryan, I thought you knew,” He managed though choking guffaws. “I-I mean, he…sh-Spencer has boobs, man. Boobs. How did you manage to miss that one?”

It took Ryan exactly ten seconds to pick himself off the floor and exit the room, throwing behind him a halfhearted explanation that Spencer had his pencil and he needed it most desperately before he could go to sleep; he didn’t want Brendon thinking he believed him or anything.

Judging by the increase of laughter, Brendon saw though it.

Ryan didn’t bother to knock before entering Spencer’s room. He figured he’d just peek in, make sure everything was in place, have a little laugh with Spence about how Brendon almost had him going, he was running on so little sleep, before going back to his own room and slipping into a nice, comfortable sleep.

It took Ryan Ross four minutes and thirteen seconds to wake up after he saw Spencer without a shirt, but with what appeared to be two (perfectly shaped, nicely sized) breasts growing out of his normally manly (boyish) chest, which tapered down to a lovely waist and Jon Walker’s head nestled between thighs that were too girly to belong to one Spencer Smith, aged nineteen, drummer for the smash sensation Panic! At The Disco, who had had a penis last time Ryan Ross had checked.

“Um, surprise?” Was the last thing Ryan heard, before his brush with the floor for the second time that night.

neon_geisha, who I converted to the wonders of FBR, was kind enough to draw some art for moi to share. Here:a girl!spencer and boy ryan, both in dresses, and Here, a conglonmeration of many of those we love so dearly.

fan art, fic

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