I think I'm damn gorgeous

Aug 13, 2006 22:43

Name: Linda
Location: Central California
Birthday: October 10
Sign: Libra
Age: 19
Relationship Status: Engaged <3 Two years.

Children: We have a 15 month old daughter named Summer.

Favorites (and why..)
Food: Seafood, chocolate, tomatoes & french bread.
Shoes: Heels or flip flops. Plus I have my converse for when I don't feel like dealing with painting my toes.
T-Shirt: I like tube tops, tanks tops & halter tops mostly.
Music: I listen to everything, but my favorites are either country or hip hop, whichever I'm in the mood for.
Movies: Sweet Home Alabama, The Butterfly Effect
TV Shows: Friends, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, Windfall
Automobile: Well I drive a 2002 Hyundai Elantra. I've been without a car too much so as long as I have something that drives & looks decent I'm happy.
Vacation spot: I've always wanted to go to Hawaii. I love the beach, I go to Pismo Beach all the time.
Childhood show: I used to be obsessed with Rugrats.
Past time: Photography, shopping, making graphics, being a mommy, scrapbooking, swimming.

Getting to know you better...
Tell us about 3 major events in your life and the impact they have had.
1. I moved out of my parents house. My parents were overly strict [to the point that they were abusive] my entire life and finally they gave me an ultimatum, to either move out and basically be disowned by my father or to stay and follow their rules. So I moved out and it's been tough being poor when I was brought up rich, but it doesn't matter because it's so much better than being locked in your room all the time.
2. I met my husband [technically fiance, but I call him my husband]. Because now it's not me anymore, it's us.
3. I had my daughter. Because I'm a mother and we're a family and she is the most amazing thing ever.

What does your life plan hold for you in the next 5-10 years?
1. Finish law school.
2. Get a job for the DA.
3. Get officially married.
4. Buy a house.
5. Have more babies.

[not necessarily in that order]

Is the way your life now the way you pictured it would be when you were in high school or junior high? No. I was a straight A honors student, never a black mark on my records and my parents were forcing unobtainable goals on me. I never wanted my life the way I thought it would end up with my parents living it for me, but I never imagined I would've gotten engaged at 17 and had a baby at 18.

Tell us about an issue you feel strongly about, and why you feel that way.

How do you feel about the war in Iraq? I realize that the war hasn't been making much process lately but it was completely necessary to start a war. Our capital was bombed and Bush HAD TO attack back to make an example out of those who attacked us. Our country has held the position as a World power for over a century now because other countries are scared of us, which makes our country a safer and wealthier place to live. When the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor what did we do? We blew them up with an A-bomb. No one had the nerve to attack for 50 years after that until 9/11. If we didn't make an example out of them by seeking them out and destroying them other countries would lose their fear of us and then they might attack us. And it bothers me that there are so many people protesting the war because there is NO ONE over seas fighting that didn't sign up for that job. It's not like our government drafted soldiers, so until they enact a draft I think people should shuttup, because the war might look like a wild goose chase but if we didn't have it most likely another attack like 9/11 would happen soon. Let's face it, we might be a powerful country but the world hates us. And once they lose their fear of us they will ban together and take us down.

Are you pro-life or pro-choice? Pro-life with exceptions, I believe that rape victims, mothers whose lifes are in danger, and fetuses with fetal diseases should be allowed the option of abortion. Besides that I think that people need to be held responsible for their actions, too many people use abortion as the easy way out and they shouldn't be allowed that. If murderers were allowed a get out of jail free card I bet more people would murder. If you take away the "get out of pregnancy free card" [or abortion] less teenagers would be having sex. And I was a pregnant teen, if it happens, your life isn't over. And if you aren't ready for that you shouldn't be having sex in the first place. If people had to live with the consequences of their actions maybe they would think twice before having unsafe sex.
If you are pro-life, how do you feel about the morning after pill, birth control, and other forms of contraception? The morning after pill is wrong but birth control & other forms of contraceptive are good ideas. Let's face it, we're animals, and sex is a part of life. I want four children, but I could not handle only being able to have sex with my husband 4 times in my life. Birth control isn't wrong, it's being smart. But they teach you in junior high that birth control isn't always 100% so if you're going to have sex, even with birth control, you should be ready for the possible outcome. I could handle another baby coming at any point, but I could not handle one coming every time I had sex.

If you are pro-choice, how do you feel about third trimester and partial-birth abortions?

How do you feel about illegal immigration? This subject bothers me because I don't understand why it is even an issue. It is right there in the title, it is illegal. I am all for immigration but seriously, if you want to live in our country you should respect our government and follow the laws. If I break a law I will get punished for it, so if you break our immigration laws you should be punished the same. I live in a town full of illegals and I can tell you that no, they aren't taking the jobs no one works, they are stealing jobs from people I KNOW would love to have those jobs. Who wouldn't want a job where you need no training and you get free beef & $14 an hour just to get a little dirty? My husband is a manager at a slaughter house and there are many illegals that work there on the kill floor, but no legals. Do you know why? Not because legals won't take those jobs, because they apply for them daily. But because if a legal gets one of those jobs the illegals with threaten them and if they don't quit they will beat them up and maybe kill them. And I know for a fact that they aren't coming to our country to make a better life for themselves, yes some do, but most are coming here to take advantage of the free handouts our government will give them. Our welfare office is packed with illegals. Our jails are packed with illegals. Our college has NO illegals. Our high school graduating classes have few of them. So you do the math. It is difficult for immigrants to get green cards because it takes time to weed out the people who want to better themselves from the ones that want a free ride and to sell drugs. Yes we were most immigrants once, but my ancestors went through a long process to get into this country and everyone else should have to do the same.

Community stuff
How did you find this community? I co-created it.

What interested you in this community? I liked the idea it was going to only be 18+ since I'm a wife & mother I might be able to relate to members more.

Do you have any ideas/suggestions? Tell me if you do!

A link to promotional banners and buttons can be found on the main info page
Promote us to at least one friend and provide the link

Promote us to at least 2 other places and provide the links
Two: Trust me, I'll do plenty of promoting later but I'm not going to record it on here <3

Put a member button or promo banner on your user info page and give us a link.

Post between 5-15 pictures of you

[Remember I've had a baby in the past year]

Which picture would you like to use for our members page? (The picture will be made black and white).
It's already on there.

What color would you like the border around you picture to be? Please provide the 6 digit hex code for this color. (Six-digit codes can be found in PSP or on websites like http://www.funky-chickens.com/hex.html) It's already on there.
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