Dec 07, 2005 11:49
Recently I've been reviewing my life situation. I would really like to get stuff in order while I'm still young so I have talked to my mom about moving back home. As of right now, I'm no longer being challenged at work.....I get bored out of my skull some days and the days drag on. It's been well over 2 years now and I'm as high as I can go in the company and it's time to move on.
I'm planning on giving my notice to my landlord on February 1st. That way we have time to prepare the room that I'm going to stay in and stuff. Since my brother and I both moved out, both of our rooms have become storage rooms.
I will continue working here for a bit to save up some money and see how things go and if things go ok then I want to get into school. I have some ideas of what I might want to take. Something with Computers is one, Economics is another and maybe Sociology. While I'm working though, I'm going to get myself into English 12 to upgrade thru continuing education. I didn't graduate with a very good grade and lots of the courses I was looking at require a "C" or better. Well oops..... I wish I could go back in time and be more serious about highschool but I can't so I must fix my past mistakes now.
Yeah it's going to suck not having my own place anymore but sometimes you have to make sacrifices to get what you want in the long run. I'm actually excited about moving back. I spend a lot of time at my parent's place anyway, so it will be less commuting :P
I'm also excited about school. I'm not too sure what I wan't to do career-wise yet but I will find my way.