Jun 01, 2004 19:02
i had to get up today at 6am to drive my sister and josh to school. this routine is going to get old really quickly if they take summer classes that early.
I didn't know what to do after i dropped them off so I grabbed starbucks (blended strawberries and cream taste like a powdered drink for infants) and crashed at john's until my eye appointment. my doctor made me blind! he dilated my eyes so my pupils were huge for four hours. i did it before but i never had to drive myself around afterwards. for once though, i didn't trip over my own feet all day just because i was staring at the floor the entire time so i don't have to look at any light directly. and then i found sunglasses.
oh crud..forgot to pick up volunteer forms. john! go pick them up tomorrow!
Picked up my sister, went to fremont flowers, target and kathy (who practically lives in that place), and just came back from dinner with the parents.
14 minutes until kungfu class starts downstairs. i should get my disinfecting wipes out. the bathroom gets hella nasty after fifteen boys come in and out of it. time to stick up the "put down the toilet seat and wash your hands" post-it.