you should definitely post on craigslist! it is the best way to find that kind of crew. probably post under "crew gigs." I'm not a producer, but if you need some kind of general assistant or odd job, I'm all over it.
oh, gigs are a separate category from jobs, they're below the jobs section when you're looking at the main page. But tv/film will be fine, I'm sure. People like me check both.
I don't know anyone personally that would have enough experience you're looking for (they mostly deal in small small film shoots, etc.) but I just did some looking around online and found that putting in searches for "theatre" or "production" in the craigslist resumes section comes up with a few returns.
there is also a few sites like backstage jobs that have a contact sheet of freelance people who have experience in production. for more serious business listings you may make, talent zoo seems to have an active listing community though its definitely going to cost a lot more to post there than good ol' craigslist.
you might even consider finding different people for recruiting investors and then for production project management.
try "portoregon" for the user and "upstage" for the password. when I linked directly to the contact sheet instead of just the main page it skipped the part where it told you the info.
craigslist may be all you need though, its amazing how many responses you can get.
Cabaret style opera? I'm confused. Opera does not equal cabaret in my mind, but perhaps it's just semantics. Sorry, not trying to sound snobbish at all, but I know people, but only if it were a more traditional opera, hence my nitpicking here.
Comments 14
I gotta warn you, it's slow going.
It was tough figuring out a category. I put it under tv/film. I didn't see a 'crew gig' section.
I'll keep you in mind for the gen ass. I'm not even sure what we'll need. I've never done this before.
my first step is to record some short sections. I was planning on just using a vocalist and piano.
there is also a few sites like backstage jobs that have a contact sheet of freelance people who have experience in production. for more serious business listings you may make, talent zoo seems to have an active listing community though its definitely going to cost a lot more to post there than good ol' craigslist.
you might even consider finding different people for recruiting investors and then for production project management.
this is awesome- make it happen!
I'm starting to get emails from the craigslist ad.
You're right about the money person and the stage manager seem to be two very different groups.
craigslist may be all you need though, its amazing how many responses you can get.
got some connections?
Sorry, not trying to sound snobbish at all, but I know people, but only if it were a more traditional opera, hence my nitpicking here.
email me, I'll shoot you some of the stuff.
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