Spencer's Spill, Chapter 2

Aug 30, 2007 14:42

Spencer's Spill 
Chapter 2
NC-17 overall
POV: Spencer
Pairing: Spencer/?
Summary: Spencer gets hurt and his boys have to help him get better.
A/N: Sorry, that took a little longer to update than I would have liked.  Thanks for all the wonderful comments.  Happy 21st Ryan.
I'm tired of Ryan and Brendon stories.  Spice it up people!

Chapter 1

“Sir you need to wake up now; you are out of surgery,” is the next words I hear. The nurse keeps repeating more or less the same thing until I manage to get my eyes to open.

“Wonderful, you are awake. The doctor will be right here to tell you how everything went,” she tells me before she disappears.

I wasn’t really listening to her as I felt shooting pain in my hand, which was expected, but I was also feeling the pain of all of my other injuries too. I hadn’t been off all pain medications, and fuck it really hurts. My hand is covered in bandages as I was told, and it’s weird to see my thumb sticking out like that. I don’t want to look anymore and close my eyes and wait for the doctor. I focus on breathing, and that seems to help the pain.

“Spencer, how are you feeling?” the doctor bursts into the room.

“It really hurts,” I say through my gritted teeth.

“That is to be expected. You aren’t on any pain medication, so it’s also the first time you are feeling your injuries.”

“Yeah, I figured.”

“We will give you something in a little while. But it isn’t going to be as strong as the other medicine because we don’t want you to become dependent on it. However, I have good news.”


“Your friends said that they would take care of you, so I’m going to let you go home in a few hours. I want to make sure your hand doesn’t swell up massively, and then you can go.”

My face lights up, “Really?”

“You will have to come back for check ups frequently and therepy, but yes you can go home. They are going to take you back to your room now, and you are going to take a nap. When you wake up, you should be able to go home.”

“Great!” I tell him.

He leaves and my bed is pushed back to my room. I find Ryan waiting for me in my room, writing in a notebook.

“Spence!” he closes the notebook, stands up and comes to me.

“You guys are taking me home?” I ask him.

“Well, to Brendon’s because it’s closer. But you can come home, and we are all going to help you get better,“ Ryan’s got the biggest smile on his face.

I give him a big smile back, “I’m glad. I hate being here.”

Ryan leans down, “Me too, Spin.”

He leans down and carefully places a kiss on my lips. I open my mouth and kiss him back. It doesn’t last long before he pulls away. It’s not the first time we’ve made out, so I don’t know why he pulled away. I frown at him.

“You probably shouldn’t be doing that,” Ryan answered.

“I don’t care. It’s just kissing. We aren’t fucking yet,” I answer.

“But we don’t usually just kiss. It usually ends with us having sex. I don’t want to start something we can’t finish. I just wanted to remind you that I love you. I was really worried, but don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.”

As much as I’d like to continue, he’s right. I can’t have sex right now; it hurts to just sit here. We only kiss and have sex when we need each other, and we definitely need each other right now. I wouldn’t say we are fuck buddies, because that cheapens our relationship.

My thoughts are interrupted by Jon and a nurse. Jon hangs back and lets the nurse give me some pills to make me take a nap.

“So Pete just went on MTV via satellite to cancel the tour for us,” Jon said.

“He knows?” I asked.

“Yeah, we called him when you were unconscious. We called everyone. Fall Out Boy is in Australia right now, so they couldn’t just fly here. We wanted to wait till you woke up to announce that we canceled though. So it could sound more positive? That sounds bad, but you know what I mean,” Jon answered.

“Yeah. What he say about MTV?” I asked.

“Nothing really. Everyone wished you to get better soon. I mean he didn’t tell him everything. He just said that you had an accident and were critically injured. Tour cancelled. He didn’t tell them you fell down Brendon’s shit or how bad. They don’t need to know that stuff. Pete and Patrick are going to come visit when they get back in a few weeks.”

“Good. Everyone doesn’t need to know,” I say sleepily.

“We are going to let you sleep. We need to go back and get you clothes while you are napping,” Ryan might have said more but I was gone.

Jon’s tapping away on his sidekick when I wake up. The only pain I can feel is in my left hand, so I consider this a good thing. Jon hears me moving and looks up.

“Hey, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?” Jon flips the sidekick shut.

“Better. My hand hurts where they did the surgery, but other than that, I feel okay.”

“I’m glad. Cause getting dressed will be easier that way,” Jon chuckles at me.

As he gets up to go get the bag that is sitting on the table, I realize that I don’t have any boxers on. Shit, this is going to be uncomfortable for both of us.

“Um, Jon?” I figure I should warn him.


“I don’t have underwear.”

“Don’t worry, Ryan grabbed some.”

“Oh. Okay,” he didn’t seem concerned as he walked back over to me.

Ryan chose this moment to reappear, “Hey, you are awake. All we need is go get you dressed, then we can take you home. The doctor already came to check on you.”

“Great,” I answer, still concerned about this whole changing thing.

“First, we need to get you sitting up,” Ryan tells me.

Ryan puts the bed down, while Jon holds me up.

“Can you sit up by yourself, now?” Jon asks.

Jon lets go and I manage to stay up. My ribs twinge a little bit, but nothing I can’t handle. Jon pulls my boxers out and a pair of his basketball shorts out of the bag.

He notices me looking at him weirdly, “The leg holes in these are huge and they’ll fit over the cast.”

“Oh okay,” I’m glad they thought about this stuff.

Ryan pull the sheet of my legs and pauses to look at the burn on my leg from Brendon, “We are going to put some cream on that when we get back.”

“Add it to the store list,” Jon tells him as he moves to the end of the bed.

Jon carefully puts my feet through the holes in the boxers and repeats with the shorts. He slowly pulls them both up to my thighs, stopping a few times to help guide them over my cast. Jon runs his hands up underneath the clothes, appearing to be straightening them. Which is fine, but he is also running his hands up and down my thighs. The contact feels really good, and I feel the twinges in my dick. I look up at him and find him smiling at me. He knows what he’s doing to me. Damn him, but I smile back anyway.

“Ryan, come here,” Jon calls to him. “You need to help me the rest of the way.”

Ryan comes over, “What do I need to do?”

“I’m going to pull Spence into me and you need to pull up the clothes. Spence, I’m going to be as careful as can be, but it might hurt. If it’s too bad let me know.”

“Okay, just watch my left hand. It really hurts,” I tell him.

He crawls on the bed behind me and sits down. He spreads his legs so he can scoot up right behind me.

“Arms up some, Spence. I’m going to put my arms around you.“

Jon carefully wraps his arms around me, right under my arms. My arms are straight out in front of me, and my left hand twinges with more pain, as a result of lack of support. He leans back slowly, which pulls me back with him. Ryan pulls up the clothes, so I’m covered now. And Ryan’s seen it before, so I guess it wasn’t that big of a deal. Jon carefully leans forward again so I’m sitting again. He squeezes me a bit, not to hurt, but more of a hug, and it lasts longer than it probably should have to be innocent. When he lets go, he runs his hands along my sides. Jon and I have always flirted, but Jon made it clear he doesn’t want to take it any farther after I kissed him one time. So I don’t know where this new touchy Jon came from.

He gets off the bed and our eyes stare into each other for a few moments before he breaks it. I then realize Ryan’s been slowly working on getting a shirt on my arms. It’s a T-Shirt, so he’s got my right hand through the arm hole. He’s slowly working it over my left, biting his lip in deep concentration. He gets it over my split without bumping it and lets go of it once it reaches my upper arm.

He lets out the breath he’s been holding, “Head down.”

I oblige and he quickly pulls it up the rest of the way on my arms before pulling it over my head. He pulls it down and I put my arms back down. That felt so much better. I didn’t realize that my right arm was that heavy now with the cast on it.

“There, now you are ready to leave this hell hole,” Ryan proclaims. “We just need a nurse to bring that wheelchair we need.

The nurse arrived a few minutes later with a wheelchair and the doctor.

“I forgot to give your friends some pain pills for you. Just get plenty of rest and take it easy. Be Careful! Make sure you don’t put any weight on your left hand, even though you are going to want to. I’ll see you on Saturday, and we’ll see about getting you a walking cast,” he hands the pills to Jon and walks out.

“Spence, did it hurt at all when I had my arms around you?” Jon asks.

“Not my chest no.”

“Okay, cause I want to do that again to get you in the wheelchair. Scoot over and put your left leg down on the ground.”

Jon puts the pills in his back pocket and Ryan brings the wheelchair around to the left side as I do so.

“Ryan’s going to hold the chair and I’m going to lift you up. Keep your left hand up by my head.”

I nod at him and he walks up to me and carefully wraps his arms around me. I kind of hook my left arm around his neck and he pulls me up off the bed. He quickly puts me back down in the chair.

“Are you ok?” Jon asks, his arms still around me and looking into my eyes.

“Yeah, Jon. It was fine,” I look into him, smiling.

Ryan carefully lifts my right leg and puts it in the raised leg rest on the chair. I’m ready to get the fuck out of this place. Ryan’s pushing me out of the room and down the hall. I expect Brendon to come bouncing out of somewhere at any moment, but he doesn’t.

“Hey, where is Brendon?”
“We left him at home when we went to get you clothes. It will give you more room in the car. Plus, he can clean his shit and get a room ready for you,” Ryan answered.

“Oh,” I thought that was kind of mean of them. I need to talk to Brendon when I get home. I’ve been treating him like shit, and I’m sure Jon and Ryan have been too.

Jon helped me in Brendon’s Audi the same way as before. Ryan drove us home. I couldn’t believe they stole his car. They said it had more room, which was true, but that was really shitty of them. I dozed in the car on the way home. Jon helped me out and wheeled me into Brendon’s house. He took me to the back guest bedroom, which I found Brendon had been working at. The bed had been fixed and there were a bunch of pillows all over it. There was now a TV and a DVD player set up as well. Ryan left us to go make some food, as I hadn’t eaten in days. Jon helped me back on the bed and then helped me put pillows under my leg and my left hand. I’m leaning against the headboard.

“Thanks, Jon. I really appreciate it. I hope I’m not hurting your back,” I tell him.

“Nah. It’ll be fine,” he sits on the bed. “I’m just glad you are okay.”

He leans over and chastely kisses me. I’m too in shock to kiss back, and he takes it the wrong way.

“Sorry, I just thought..”

“You just surprised me. Let’s try again?”
He meets my open mouth and quickly licks into it. I lift my right hand and place my fingers on his cheek as I play with his tongue. It’s been far too long since I tried kissing him, and it wasn’t this successful. I don’t know where all this affection from Jon is coming from, but I’m not turning it down.

He breaks the kiss, but smiles at me, “That was nice.”

“It was all kinds of nice,” I reply back to him.

“Yes, but you need to rest. So we can do that later. I’m going to leave you alone for now.”

I whimper at him.

“Later, Spence. Later.”

He gets off the bed and walks towards the door.

“Jon, can you find Brendon for me and ask him to come in here?”

“Sure, Spence,” and he winks at me.

Jon leaves me and I channel surf until Brendon comes in. I place the remote on the bed, so I can talk to him.

Brendon sits down in the arm chair next to the bed, “Ryan says I’m not allowed to talk to you.”

“Too bad. I want you to talk to me after I tell you what I have to say.”

“But Ryan said! I don’t want to get in trouble any more than I already am.”

“He’s not going to kick my ass, so I’ll tell him you had my permission. Is that okay?”

“Yeah,” he nods his head as well.

“I’m sorry, Brendon. I was angry at everything that happened, not at you. I was mad at myself for tripping and now I’m not able to play. I love playing, just like you do. I was so angry and displaced my anger on you instead of myself. And then you spilled the coffee and that just added to it. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you. You didn’t deserve that and I am really sorry,” I wipe a tear from my eye with my right hand.

“Spencer, it’s okay. I know you are dealing with a lot right now. You are taking this a fuck of a lot better than I would be. Don’t even worry about it. I really shouldn’t leave my shit everywhere, and I know you are going to tell me not to, but I do feel bad. I’m sorry,” he wipes his own tears.

“Come here and give me a very careful hug, Bren.”

Brendon carefully crawls on the bed on my right side until he is kneeling next to where I was sitting. He leans forward and wraps his arms around my neck, before carefully pulling my head into him, and then leaned his head down on mine. It was actually pretty perfect and completely not like Brendon. I wrapped my right arm around him as best I could. He sighed contently, so I guess he thought it was pretty perfect too. After a few minutes, he lifted his head and released me and sat back on the bed, but facing me. I could see that he still had tears in his eyes.

“Why are you crying?” I asked quietly.

“I’m just glad you are going to be okay. Forget my tears. Just…can I stay with you for a little while?”

“Yeah, Brendon. I’d like that.”

He turns around so he has his back against the headboard, sitting next to me. I know we aren’t really watching the TV, but I leave it on. It is weird enough that Brendon and I are having a moment; it doesn’t need to be in silence. I can still hear him have the occasional sniffle, and I feel bad. He’s crying over me, and I don’t know how to help him.

I turned to look at him, “Bren, don’t cry.”

“I’m trying,” he frantically wipes his face, blushing as well.

He returns his hands back on his lap, and I reach over and carefully take his left hand.

“Is this okay? Is the cast digging into you? This was probably not a good idea.”

“No, it was a great idea. It’s not digging into my hand. It’s perfect,” Brendon quickly reassures me and places his other hand over mine.

We continue to sit in our comfortable silence for quite awhile. My hand is still in his, and my head somehow ends up resting on his shoulder, before we drift off to sleep.

spencer's spill

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