Jul 28, 2007 17:16
Suffice it to say, being a woman SUCKS.
So, here's the bad news. Chas (in her brilliance) told Brian Alex should make the decision as to where she wanted to go to school-which parent to live with over the school year. (Alex is not responsible or mature enough to get breakfast for herself, brush her teeth, get dressed in the morning, brush her hair, take a shower, or properly clean herself in the shower without constant reminding by the way.) Alex informed Brian the night before last that she wants to go back to her mom's. She based this upon missing her sister and her friends, and the fact that she can get away with everything at her mom's-although she only told Brian she misses her sister. She would rather go to the ocean with us that her mom, and she tells us how lazy her mom is and how she wants to do things with her mom to form a relationship with her. She tells us that she doesn't trust her mom because her mom lies to her about doing things. Her mom kept her home from school to babysit her sister while an exterminator came to the house. This is the wrong decision made for the wrong reasons. HOWEVER-we have to be cool with Alex. We all promised not to hold any decision she makes against her. We will, HOWEVER, not let Chas slip a centimeter without being all over her abundant ass.
Due to our conflicting work schedules, Brian had to tell me over the phone on my way to work. That was not a good thing to do, but when else could he do it?? I am trying to get an office nurse position again. I LOVE my job, my co-workers, and my shift. HOWEVER (I like that word more than "but") I need a day shift position in order for our relationship to flourish. The 2 day shift LPNs are in no way going to leave, and I cannot go to days unless they do. I've done office work for 6 years, and am trying to go get a senior office nurse position. We'll see how that goes.
I just had a conversation with my mother about what's been going on with everyone, and she's a dick. She bitched at me about the way Brian and I parent, trying to impress upon me the idea that her ways of parenting work better. (OKAY-we ALL know better.) For example:
Alex and her 2 friends go into the woods to build a fort (out of trees.) There are 2 13yr olds that walk around the park as well. Apparently, the older girls started sniping at the younger ones (as they often do,) and one called Alex a "dumb blonde." (Alex has since repeated this phrase to my mom, saying her friends call her one. Alex wants to be friends with everyone, including those older girls.) Brian went to check on Alex, et al, and saw the older girls trying to hide from him. So, Alex tells him what happens and is rightfully upset. Brian saw the older girls trying to "escape" from him and they ran from him at one point, so he just took a shorter route out of the woods. He saw them walking around the circle, and when they sped up he said, "Okay, either I talk to you, or I talk to your parents." They stopped and came back to him, and asked, "Who are you?" He said, "I'm the dumb blonde's dad." He then told them, politely, that they didn't need to break down the little girls. Mom, in her contrite tone, told me she would have let the kids deal with it, and chastise me for it. I insinuated she didn't do the right thing then, and we know Alex's lack of self-esteem, and I know how hopeless I felt when she didn't stick up for me. I then proceeded to tell her our manner of parenting is 180 degrees from hers, and it works for Alex and us.
I changed the subject often and quickly, and she remained a bitch.
And so, I have come to the conclusion that no matter how hard you try, sometimes it just doesn't matter.