Apr 08, 2006 10:12
I love this weather. The sound to the rain hitting the roof and ground are very calming. I loosened the leash last night and let Brian go out with Brandon when I went to bed. My only request was that when I woke up, Brian would be in bed with me. Of course, when I woke up this morning and Brian wasn't home. Amazingly enough, I wasn't angry or upset. I tried to call our cell, but I knew if he was sleeping Brian wouldn't hear it. I also know how loud Brandon's phone is, so I called that. He brings Brian home, and Brian is totally hung-over. Come to find out, they went to another friend of Brandon's house instead of being where I was told they'd be. Again, I wasn't angry or upset. I was actually laughing about it. Poor Brian kept apologizing, telling me he tried to get Brandon up but he was all fucked up and wouldn't wake, and I gave him Tylenol and sent him to bed. I had to go and look in on him a while ago, and I just stood at the bedroom door listening to his gentle, but loud, breathing. Either my new medication is working, or I really needed some peace. I'm happy without being manic. I forgot what this was like....
Ahhh...even the cats are calmer now. They were a little worked up when I got up, most likely because Brian didn't come home last night. Red is back there in bed with Brian. Red is a complete daddy's boy. Meanwhile, Icarus and Casper are nest to me on the futon and Heidi is chillin' on the floor in front of us.
Ewww..I just saw the commercial for the Cuddle Chimp-a realistic, moving chimpanzee toy for kids. That's kinda freaky, but I wouldn't mind getting one! (I always wanted a Furby too.) But who needs toys like that when I have my kitties?
I'm plowing through school. We have about 45 school days left until graduation. Right now, I'm in the pediatrics rotation in my clinicals. I've only been on the floor once so far, but I liked it. My patient was an adorable 4 y.o. girl. I spent most of the day playing with her in the playroom. That's a great job! I've been at a school nurse's office, during which I discovered school nurses do a lot more that bandaids and coke-syrup. Soon, I'll get to go to the cardiology floor. (!!!!!!!) After that is maternity and OB, which will be cool if I can keep from puking over placentas. I don't like those organs...
Well, the Winx Club is over so I think I'll play my video game for a bit and wait for My Honey to wake up again.