I know I've got a few truckers, ex-truckers, and general road-trippers reading here. I need your help.
I'm pulling a trailer from (metro) Phoenix to Norman, Oklahoma.
In the interest of not only gas mileage, but wear and tear on my van, I'm trying to find the least steep way uphill to get from here to I-40.
up AZ87, though Payson, and then along
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I'd expect your first-choice route to have plenty of heaves and dips, and would probably stick with I-17 unless I knew the Interstate hadn't been graded very well either; there isn't enough difference between the two to make the constant little climbs and descents of the former worth it.
It would also depend a bit on how I felt about the trailer brakes. Wide shoulders are good.
As for I-10: don't do it. :-) If you're concerned about your van, climb and descend the steep bits at 25 or 35 with your four-way flashers on, in the right lane, and drop the transmission into 3 or maybe 2. Give everyone the finger and pocket the gas money.
You probably knew most of that last bit, but eh.
Although it's cool to hear from you either way!
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