6 things meme, again.

Nov 02, 2006 03:49

Got tagged by arvandor, and for once didn't have trouble thinking up 6 facts. So here you go.

1 - Even though I've performed publicly in one way or another on a semi-regular basis since adolescence, I still have serious big-time stage fright.

2 - I truly don't understand why people think I'm crazy for loving my cats the way I do. They cuddle me when I sleep, when I'm feeling down, and sometimes just because I'm there. The worst betrayal I'll ever experience from them is the occasional small pile of vomit in my laundry pile. I can tell them any secret and they won't pass it on. Plus, they're way cute. Who wouldn't want friends like that?

3 - I am addicted to my cell phone. I never even thought to care about txt messaging or having a cameraphone until I saw and then got this phone. Now I'm a txt messaging fiend, and I don't know how I ever lived without a cameraphone. I even have AIM perpetually logged in on my phone, so I can sort of txt with people who don't have Verizon or like txting.

4 - People being late is one of my biggest pet peeves, but it's also the pet peeve I'm most likely to be mad at myself as often as anyone else for.

5 - I get an unreasonable amount of glee from having a rental car.

6 - I like stale snack foods. Pretzels... oreos... cheese poofs... marshmallows. I think all of them are better when they're just a bit stale.

I'm tagging anyone who thinks it's cooler to post their 6 facts as a comment to this entry rather than making their own post about it.

meme, food issues, today i had a cheese sandwich, kittycats

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