Feb 16, 2006 01:57
It's been a long time since Ive written in here. Wow.
I really dont think that anyone reads these anymore. We're all just too busy (or lazy). I know I am.
Now, to get striaght to the entry, a few highlights about life since the last time I updated..
-Gots lots of cool stuff for x-mas, including a 30G Ipod video from loverboy (it was engraved, too! ..how sweet) and a brand spanking new laptop! Oh, and some new EMS pants and some hot new boots... I desperatley needed both.
- Had a wonderful time in NH with lots of snow and lots of good family/friend time.
- Got d-runk at Andy's for New Year's
- Spent the rest of the month at the firehouse with the boys
- Started school at the end of January
-School.. yuk.
- Went to a lot of meetings fighting for UMBC EMS
-Started Paramedic applications and registering for R.A. interviews.
-Started my new job as the second EMT TA
- Got a dozen pink roses from Garrett for V-day (Beautiful!) and my mom sent me a ton of candy
... and more.
Anna, Jon, Garrett and I are going to Boston at the end of February for the National Collegiate EMS Foundation conference. We have a PIMP hotel room. I am tres tres excited. I am hoping that someone from Manchvega$ will drive down to Boston to see me while I am there *coughTARAcough*.
Oh wow.. it's definatley after 2 and I have class and some UMBC EMS errands to do early in the morning.
So, bed now, and I will finish this tomorrow. Just wanted everyone to know that I ( or my computer)am/is NOT dead.