Oct 24, 2005 14:50
Here I come, walking back to LJ and grumbling. BlogSpot sucks. I think I was having LJ withdrawls. At any rate, I suppose there is a lot of catching up that needs to be done.
There is so much drama on this floor. Everyone is butting heads with everyone, and I am definatley ready to get away from this place. Looks like I will be spending the weekend at the firehouse.
Random other news: 1) Garrett and I saw Lewis Black on campus a few days ago. Tickets were only $5, and worth every penny. :oP It was a relly good night.
2) Sunday meant six months of Garrett and I. As a result, I will have a tiny little diamond on my finger soon (No, it's not an engagemnet ring... it's more like a promise ring)
3) I am SO ready for yummy food and Turkey Bowl back in good ol' ManchVega$
I have oh-so-much- homework and I need to get started on it.
It's good to be back.