Well, I'm procrastinating, and you know what that means: I'm reading stuff on Howard Dean. So far, I think this man is fabulous!
First of all, he's good on the issues:
http://www.deanforamerica.com/dean.cfm?section=about&page=issues I especially like what he says about how he came to the decision to support Civil Unions. Sure, it's political bullshit to an point, but it was a bit risky for him to take that position. Also, I like what he says about reproductive rights, especially in regards to partial-birth abortion. The answer is liberal, but mostly practical.
Also, Dean has been vocal in his opposition to the war. Really, this whole issue turned me away from Kerry. I support him calling for a US regime change, but DUH! you voted to give Bush power to attack Iraq! You didn't think he was gonna use that power. I feel like Kerry has been more vocally anti-war recently to get votes.
While I have not been able to see Dean speak (except a few minutes streamed off the internet) his speeches are fantastic (
http://www.deanforamerica.com/dean.cfm?section=about&page=speeches&drill=031503 ), and I've heard he's a fabulous orator. And c'mon, that's the whole point of speeches, to inspire us, at least inspire us to vote for someone, if not for a higher goal.
Dean's use of the internet for grassroots organization makes me so happy. (
http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/04/05/MN295458.DTL&type=printable ) It really aims toward younger voters (or non-voters, as is the case more often than not) and gives him tons of publicity for a lot less money than other forms of media. Which means he is not using so much money for big sponsors. And check out all the ways to contact the Dean campaign on the web:
http://dean2004.meetup.com/http://deancalltoaction.blogspot.com/ His volunteers are so idealistic and enthusiastic (
http://timesargus.nybor.com/Story/63363.html ) It's like a breath of fresh air to see all these people believing in something that could be really good; it makes me want to be a
part of it all!
One a trivial note, there are so many similarities to Bartlet (the fictional President on the West Wing). Both are liberal New England academics who've never lost an election and are married to a doctor. Dean's slogan is "Dean for America" while on The West Wing it was "Bartlet for America." Plus, Martin Sheen endorsed Howard Dean. But, of course, this would be a dumb reason to support a candidate. It's simply a fun coincidence.
These enough links for you? They'll be a pop quiz at the end of class, kids! And if you don't like Dean, find the candidate you do like. It won't happen without looking for him/her. If you like Bush, educate yourself on his policies.
Say it with me: Decisions are made by people who show up!